• marx_mentat [he/him, comrade/them]
    19411 months ago

    There’s something extremely funny about the president of the US looking at what’s going on China and saying out loud, “Their economy is a ticking time bomb.” This is almost an onion news story.

  • @gnuhaut@lemmy.ml
    15911 months ago

    Yeah yeah, I’ve heard that before. There’s a whole cottage industry of “experts” that have predicted the imminent collapse of China going back decades. Call me when it actually happens.

  • Awoo [she/her]
    12411 months ago

    If you think China’s economy is a time bomb wait til you hear about what it means when the dollar is no longer the reserve currency around the world.

  • Grebgreb [he/him]
    10411 months ago

    The country that leads the world in mass shootings shouldn’t be labeling other countries as “ticking time bombs.”

    • ElHexo [comrade/them]
      811 months ago

      Y’all want a real struggle session, let’s talk GDP per capita and healthcare systems between China and Cuba.

    • @SpaceCowboy@lemmy.ca
      211 months ago

      China has massive demographic problems stemming from decades of the one child policy.

      So the “new federation” is just going to be made up of mostly elderly Chinese (because of the one child policy) and elderly Russians because the young people died fighting in Putin’s stupid war or left before they could be drafted.

      Yes comrade, the future will be run by elderly fascist federation LOL.

      Fascism is a self-destructive thing, we’re seeing it happening in Russia, and we’re starting to see the signs of China’s fascist regime (ironically called a Communist Party) self-destructing.

      • AntiOutsideAktion [he/him]
        6811 months ago

        For the second time I beg of you please pin down what a fascism is

        you just said two countries with completely different economic and political systems are both doing a fascism

        please what is it

      • kristina [she/her]
        11 months ago

        idk if youve read any of the papers on AI research coming out of china like i have (i translated them from mandarin to english), but they have little concern for the economics of this, the CPC’s goals are to increase automation so less people output more, and have been doing so in the construction sector at a breakneck pace. china recently built the world’s largest hoover-like arch dam in four years (which would usually take 12-16 years in other countries with modern standards), and plans to reduce it even more down to two years, all while cutting the number of people working on the project. theyre basically ‘3d printing’ dams by having robotic cement trucks act as extruders and have automated sensors that determine the density of concrete to insure safety. workplace accidents are very down as well.

        also idk if you know this, but china is increasing reliability and durability of appliances and making it easier to hotswap factories from different types of production easier in order to meet public demands for goods. theyre really a powerhouse scientifically, and are focusing on far more important issues than the west are

        • kristina [she/her]
          11 months ago

          also to further compare to the hoover dam, this produces 62 terawatt hours of electricity per year while the hoover dam produces 5 terawatt hours. should be noted that the hoover dam was built in 5 years and had around 200 deaths during construction too. so theyre able to exceed a literal breakneck murderous pace of construction from the 1930s with no reported major injuries via automation while producing 12 times as much power.

      • Flinch [he/him]
        5111 months ago

        do you mean the one child policy that ethnic minorities were explicitly exempt from? or is there another one child policy you made up to support your position?

      • geikei [none/use name]
        11 months ago

        Even if China’s demographic issues are as big as dumbass clickbait YT vids and reddit comments make it out to be that would still put China in the demographic position of SK a couple of decades ago. S. Korea quintupled industrial production between 1992-2010 and their productivity rose x6 while it’s factory workforce dropped 25%. It’s all about education, tech, and productivity. More important than the aggregate Chinese population is the technically proficient,college educated, Chinese population. That has grown 20-fold, or by 2,000%, in the past 40 years and will continue to grow due to the hundreds of millions of untapped rural population despite the decline in population.

        So point is, economy is still growing. The plan has always been to create self-sustaining growth in exports to the Global South with BRI infrastructure + productivity leap at home. Both of those aspects show great success. Exports and imports to the GS are expanding and the entire SEA is brought in the sphere of Chinese digital economy. The “greater China” economy includes another billion people in SE and Central Asia.China is getting 2x to 8x productivity leaps with AI/5G apps in industry/mining/logistics.

        And all that is assuming China cant and will not tackle demographic issues in any other manners

      • GaveUp [she/her]
        3211 months ago

        China has massive demographic problems stemming from decades of the one child policy.

        Yea that can easily be fixed after I move there dw about it kid

      • @zephyreks@lemmy.ca
        1111 months ago

        You can lose half your working population if your workers can be more than twice as productive… which they can, given advancements in automation. That’s why South Korea, Singapore, Japan, and Germany punch above their weight despite also running headfirst into demographic collapse.

      • Frank [he/him, he/him]
        1011 months ago

        It’s pretty wild that the US engaged in an economic attack that destroyed the Japanese economy, despite the Japanese government pretty much being a US puppet running on a constitution the US wrote, because they were too good at making VCRs.

        • @zephyreks@lemmy.ca
          10 months ago

          Who would the US have bombed? Canada? Mexico?

          The US didn’t have the logistics to project power globally like they can today. What exactly would you propose they drop a bomb on? Moscow?

          People love to criticize famines in China and Russia as being mismanagement by government (and they are), but they’re missing the forest for the trees. Prior to the communist governments, famines were a common occurrence in China and Russia.

          The Sichuan famine in 1936 killed 5 million. The famine in 1928 killed 6 million. The Chinese famine in 1906 killed 20 million. The Chinese famine in 1876 killed 10 million.

          Yet, since the Great Leap Forward? China has not experienced a single famine. Similarly, the last famine in Russia was in 1947. People sit in their ivory towers where food can be imported from around the world and 40% of food is wasted and wonder why so many people died trying to get something so accessible. Meanwhile, places in Africa are still experiencing mass famine and nobody cares.

    • Frank [he/him, he/him]
      2411 months ago

      It’s been like this for a long time. Remember the Maine! And all that. I tried to nail it down once and I think like two US wars in it’s whole centuries long history of ruthless warmongering haven’t been wars of naked aggression conudcted under a false causus belli.

  • Flinch [he/him]
    11 months ago

    Man leading country with the largest homeless population in the world says country which eliminated extreme poverty within its borders is about to collapse, of course this is true and should be taken seriously very-intelligent

      • @zephyreks@lemmy.ca
        911 months ago

        Buddy, you realize you’re quoting a source from 2011? Over the past decade GDP/capita in China has more than doubled and the number of people living below the poverty line has dropped from 100 million to less than 1 million.

        Do people not check facts anymore? Jesus fucking Christ man. It’s like y’all never learned the basic scientific process.

      • pirate fish
        511 months ago

        Stop quoting western imperialist sources, china has the least homelessness in the universe

      • Krause [he/him]
        11 months ago

        I love not accounting for population size! However, let’s see how the countries can be compared when we do:

        Uhhhh China has 4x the population of the US

        Uhhhh the US has more people in prison than China despite having 4x less people in the country

          • d-RLY?
            311 months ago

            A lot of homeless people do end up in prison both for all of the anti-homeless laws in various cities. For some folks it may end up being a better option than just outright dying in the streets from lack of food, medicine (love how the richest nation can’t put our tax money into anything that actually helps all of us), and/or from the elements. So while your point of bringing up prison population is a valid one. It is still (in part) related to homeless population numbers, just not totally useful by itself.

            That being said, I do think that China is actually putting much more effort into dealing with the problem. As bringing people out of poverty/homelessness is crucial to keeping support of the masses. When enough people are just tossed out and can’t get help. It will lead to dramatic and very widespread revolts and even civil wars. That is true for any nation, no matter what system is in place. Socialist nations were birthed by such widespread poverty for the many while the few hoarded the wealth and resources. It is kind of one of the main points Marx and other anti-capitalist theorists base their shit on.

  • AntiOutsideAktion [he/him]
    11 months ago

    Me upvoting a comment and when it refreshes, seeing it’s been upvoted 8 times since I navigated to the page sicko-pog

        • mar_k [he/him]
          11 months ago

          dont-laugh I love how some of the opening lines talks about interviewing a single Chinese person failing to run a business

          One entrepreneur interviewed by The Wall Street Journal said that one of his businesses, a distributor for LED screens based in Shenzhen, is suffering from widening losses as overseas orders dry up, leading him to slash prices to compete for domestic clients. Having laid off more than 50 out of 120 staff since 2022, he said he is contemplating whether to shut the business this year.

      • YoungBelden [any]
        3511 months ago

        every accusation is an admission or whatever

        like whenever the us economy is booming because line go up, all while a few million people are housing/food unstable

      • @zephyreks@lemmy.ca
        1411 months ago

        Except official data doesn’t look good? They haven’t gaslit shit, they’ve been reporting slowing growth, decreasing exports, and deflation.

        WSJ literally wrote an article “this is what I think China will do and that’s why China bad”

        What the fuck kind of journalism is that?

        • geikei [none/use name]
          2611 months ago

          Export decrese is in line with almost every other east asian country and its very much so a “western economies go into recession and import less” problem. Groth slowing to ~5% is in line with what everyone is expected and China doesnt sweat too much about it. Its pretty solid especially since its higher quality. Deflation is only a problem if it persists for a long time and if it actualy spans in various types of commodities. If you exclude energy and housing everything else shows small inflation in China still and the real estate sector is going through tough but needed restructuring and regulation periods since last year. Deflation introduced from that part of the economy is more or less a by product of them deleveraging the sector and bursting some bubbles

    • happyandhappy [she/her]
      11 months ago

      he’s probably referring to this https://thenextrecession.wordpress.com/2023/08/02/china-consumption-or-investment/

      tldr chinas quarterly growth has slowed and liberal economists are claiming china’s miracle is over. private sector investment has shrank 0.2% for the first time since data collection in 2005 but investment by state firms has expanded 8.1% in the same period. there’s also a current global manufacturing recession. doesnt mean “its over” or whatever tf they’re saying but interesting to note.


        • happyandhappy [she/her]
          2511 months ago

          im not an expert in political economy, but if you read the article he goes into a lot of specific reasons why china is still in a great position in regards to the future, although it will take responsible leadership that pushes back against mainstream neoclassical economics.

  • btbt [he/him]
    11 months ago

    biden-troll Don’t worry about having to work 30 hours a day at the sisyphean torture factory to be able to afford your ten square foot apartment Jack, look at what’s going on in China! A sexpat YouTuber who got kicked out of the country says their economy will collapse any minute now! Don’t trust any of the actual data on China’s economy, you can’t fall for those [REDACTED] and their tricks, Jack! They’re weak even though we say they’re strong! THEY’RE WEAK EVEN THOUGH WE SAY THEY’RE STRONG!