Tell us what game you are currently, or recently played, greater than 6+ months old.
If the game happens to be on sale, a link would be fantastic.
Been making my way through Return of the Obra Dinn. It’s so different from anything I’ve played before. Really neat, though I wish there was some more help/guide info available in game on the mechanics of it. I feel like I stumble into things most of the time.
I’m playing Starcraft 1 again. We’ll see how far I get this time. I’m not certain I’ve ever finished all the way through Brood War without cheats.
Hah, I definitely never got the bonus mission without cheats.
Last night I finally finished MGS The Twin Snakes, and soon about to be starting MGS2. Was pretty fun even if I had no idea what I was doing most of the time.
The Twin Snakes is excellent. I’ve not played 2/3 or 4 so kinda makes me what to go play them.
MGS3 is the best one in the series. They really nailed the MGS formula with that one.
I’m honestly not a big fan of Twin Snakes (I think the mechanics ported over from MGS2 broke a lot of the original design of MGS1, and I don’t prefer the cutscenes over the original), but if you think it’s excellent you absolutely should play 2 and 3 at least. MGS3 is a masterpiece.
Make sure to play the original version of MGS1 eventually. It’s different enough (and arguably superior) to Twin Snakes to be worth a play.
I’ve tried it multiple times. I don’t like it, it looks worse and controls are clunky
Have you played any of the series before? MGS2 and 3 are some of the best games ever made, IMO :) Twin Snakes is ok, but I much prefer the original.
Can’t comment on hope good it is yet, but I picked up Disco Elysium for $10 and have been playing that. Also Open Roller Coaster Tycoon 2
Disco Elysium is on the Playstation prime or whatever it is called. currently enjoying the game. slow and steady.
I’m replaying this one right now (more or less, I hadn’t played Final Cut before).
I know it’s too highbrow for some people, but the writing absolutely pops in this game.
I haven’t had much time for games lately unfortunately but when I have found a few minutes here or there, I finally started Morrowind. I’m thinking of making a post about it soon, but it’s still an awesome game 21 years later
Playing through:
- New Vegas
- 13 Sentinels
- Might start on Skyward Sword on Switch, now that I’ve finished TOTK
YES!! new vegas is soooo good, i got it for 3.00USD and its a great game!
I started playing it years ago but quit after reaching the Strip - this time I will make sure to actually finish it! The writing is great and the quests are really memorable.
Nier Replicant ver. whatever
Haven’t played the original, only Automata, and damn this game has a lot of fetch quests. Pretty rewarding from time to time, but the gameplay of the side quests is ass. I hope I don’t have to do much more fragile deliveries.
Damn man that’s kinda disappointing to hear. I wanted to do this one eventually but not if it’s going to highlight my death stranding work trauma. I can’t keep just being a mule like that
Fragile delivery is only one quest. It doesn’t gate any great prize or much storyline.
Haven’t played Death Stranding myself but at least the paths are pretty short in Nier at least compared to how I imagine Death Stranding. That doesn’t make farming items more fun though.
There’s only one Fragile Delivery quest if I recall.
It IS skippable. But the completest in you will hate yourself.
I already did 3 fragile deliveries :D
The biggest “problem” is that you cannot tell beforehand if a quest will be good or not. The lighthouse lady and the old man’s dog quests had an amazing conclusion, so they were totally worth it, even though gameplay wise they were boring.I think you definitely feel that Automata is an improvement on the OG Nier (assuming that OG Nier and the remake aren’t that different) in terms of quest design. That doesn’t make Replicant bad though.
Oh my bad. It’s one family of quests
This might sound crazy, but I actually preferred Nier Replicant to Automata in terms of gameplay. I preferred Automata slightly on story and feel, but I also felt like Automata made some really bad mistakes that Nier didn’t (the notorious prologue, for example)
If I could ONLY play one of the two once, I think it would be Automata. If I could only play one game 100 times, it would be Replicant. if that makes sense
I actually like Automata’s prologue :D
“Game Over” having to rewatch the opening 6 times in a row was almost enough for me to toss the game out. I ended up putting “super-duper-easy” auto-fight mode on until I reached the first save point.
Who though that having a 1-hit-kill boss 15+ minutes into the game BEFORE the first save point was a good idea?
Even Soulsbornes aren’t that cruel
I probably just got lucky because I beat him first try. Just a completely different experience.
Fair point
But that damn double-saw is one of few bosses that both have one-hit-kill situations that also attempt to hit you with one-hit kills (instead of them being incidental collisions). One could say it’s one of the hardest bosses in the game.
It really sucked how many times I had to watch the opening cut-scenes. They went from beautiful to annoying.
Nothing this week but I built my kids their first PC so looking forward to loading it up with games for them. It’s old (i5 4690K + R9 370) but good enough for most games I own.
Control and Fallout 3.
Control is a masterclass at world building and storytelling.
Fallout 3 is as excellent as always, but even on the Steam Deck it suffers from random crashes. Save often.
Just Cause 2. The grind is pretty insane but it‘s a fun game with some quirks. I legit think the game would‘ve profited if it was only half as big lol
It‘s an old game and has issues on modern PCs, if you experience crashes (very likely), then do some or all of the following: Avoid the skull island in the middle of the map, enable Win 7 compatability mode, run as admin, turn decals and bokeh off in the graphics options. I‘d also suggest installing a hookshot mod that raises the distance you can hook to, otherwise getting anywhere on the stupidly huge map is gonna be a pain.
Assassins Creed: Odyssey, but wait for the sales.
Fuck yeah, I’m maybe three quarters done with that game, only the DLC left. I’ve been playing it for like a year and I’ve fully completed all of Greece, just finishing up quests. One of my favorite games at this point.
I picked up Dredge on sale a few weeks ago and got the platinum trophy recently. It’s my first platinum trophy to ever get. The game was well worth the price even if I hadn’t gotten it on sale.
Great game! Just finished it on the Steam Deck.
Now I’m starting Botanicula. Loving it so far
Baldur’s Gate 3! It’s such an amazing game that I used a week of vacation time to do nothing except play that game. I’ve never done anything like that before. Forewarning, laying on the couch for a week straight doesn’t feel great physically.
Monster Sanctuary. It’s like a good mix of Legend of Zelda and Pokémon, pixel-style sidescroller with surprisingly deep lore and a lot of quirky monsters with interesting designs to collect. Lots of puzzles, different biomes, interesting abilities, upgradable equipment, an interesting story, rival characters with actual personality (and character development throughout the story) … all in all a well-made “monster collecting” adventure game.
It is also currently on sale in the Nintendo eshop, at least in Germany (5 Euro). No idea if it’s the same world wide, but 5€ are more or less the same as $5 so it is pretty cheap for a game of that size and quality.
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I just did unga bunga (strength) and had a fairly easy go of it. I put a good many trait points into stamina as well. I also invested into stamina regen abilities.