Also known as local multi-device games. Are games that you can play by connecting to the same network and play with family. examples:
- BombSquad
- Juicy Realm
- Rusted Warfare
- Mindustry
- UFO99
- Krafteers
- Mini Militia
- ReCharge RC
Please tell me about any LAN game that you know of. Appreciate it.
Note that many games with no official lan support can often still be modded into LANplay. I even played thru Escape from Tarkov with my cousin (lan, coop), which is originally multiplayer game
I self host satisfactory. It’s going swimmingly.
Stardew Valley!
Diablo and Diablo 2 (not Resurrected)
I think Diablo 2 even came with an extra disc specifically so you could give it to your friend to play via LAN. Then these fuckers removed the option in Resurrected even though they promised they wouldn’t.
StarCraft and the old Warcraft games work via LAN as well.
Quake, Doom, Unreal (Tournament), Half Life
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Well I’m not sure exactly where this may fall, but I play a very wide library of games over LAN on my KVM. Emulators from the NES era all the way up to PS3 and nintendo switch. I also can play my whole steam library, all from a convenient launcher called EmulationStation (desktop edition)
The KVM is connected to my Linux PC over its own individual Ethernet wire to the living room TV. It works great and can do 4K and has zero latency problems (at least none that I can notice)
- SuperTuxKart (open source super mario cart alternative)
- Luanti (open source minecraft alternative)
Four player co op PvE tactical shooter.
Have all players install this mod which completely revamps the game to add a ton of more modern features
Oh, I’ll add on to this one that Rainbow Six 1 and 3 have been some of the best co-op games I’ve ever played, and both have LAN. The second game isn’t readily available for sale anymore. Even that first game involved editing a lot of level config files in order to circumvent bugs, but it was a great time.
Planetary Annihilation, Warcraft 3 (at least pre-reforged if you can get a hold of an old copy), Unreal Tournament, Killing Floor, Battle for Middle Earth (1 & 2), OpenTTD, Simutrans, Settlers: Heritage of Kings, some of the older Wolfenstien games, Battle for Wesnoth, Warzone 2100, Teeworlds, Widelands
Stronghold, Stronghold: Crusader, Stronghold: legends and Stronghold 2 are all excellent for LAN games.
No clue if Stronghold 3 or Stronghold: Warlords support LAN.
Also I’d like to remark that Stronghold: Kingdoms is free-to-play pay-to-win trash, avoid it.
The older Tribes titles if you’re into classic arena shooters. Tribes 2 had some maps and modes that were more Battlefield-esque too. The old Age of series were excellent LAN games as well (empires/mythology). These are PC titles and I’m not sure of your target platform.
Original Diablo or Diablo 2 (not sure about the latter though, haven’t played it yet, lol)
Diablo II does support LAN and it’s one of my favorite games of all time.
The remaster, unfortunately, does not support LAN.
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Farcry 1 and 2 have Lan support.
Most unrelated thread of the month!
So I’m playing games like age of empires. But also open source alternatives like 0ad using lan. Works great!
I’m talking the old school age of empires and age of mythology games btw.
Next, there are also good need for speed games like need for speed 3 hot pursuit from 1998. Which works very well via lan.
Maybe red alert also works, or open source alternatives like OpenRA. And then we have games like Planetary annihilation, which also have lan feature.