My job role is a Technical Lead. When researching some cloud technologies for adoption I came across the Cloud Native Computing Foundation’s Landscape web page which lists all cloud technologies that come under their umbrella.
The sheer number and variety of them made me realise that perhaps players of games like Magic The Gathering or Dota would probably feel right at home when designing cloud applications since the job involves identifying apps that synergize with each other and min-maxing their costs.
So I was curious if there were more such examples where gaming skill could translate well to real life jobs?
I work in ATC and I’m a gamer. We do recruit some gamers for their competences that are 2000% beneficial to the job, like 3D space representation, stress resistance, quick eye to hand movement and quick thinking (think fast RTS or MOBA for example).
But honestly I still find it hard to convince management into studying gaming benefits to ATC.
Most of them still have the boomer reaction, aka: