How can we be sure Philadelphia cream cheese is from America?
Also how is philly cream cheese cheaper in germany than at my local stores right next to philly god this country is shit.
99% sure it’s made in Germany when sold there. Would have to look on the backside.
As for the price, I am pretty sure US products tend to use larger sizes packing wise. These should be 250g - and the price is definitely one reason not to buy. The same product can be bought for half off-brand
The prices in the US are much higher in general.
Because every food item in the US is crazy expensive? When I was there in January, there were Chip-Bags for 4-8$. In Germany, a potato-chip bag starts at 1.10 and the national brands at 1.99. I love potato chips. But I do not buy 5$ bags. Thats crazy.
Yeah its nuts a bag of Doritos at stop and shop near me is $5.99 like its fucking dried corn with some spices and preservatives. The price gouging has reached snap on tools level which in reality is just tje standard model for corporations. Aim for 500-1000% profit margins or even higher if possible
I want to get off Uncle Sam’s Wild Ride.
Though, German chips are generally terrible
They are the same Lays.
Really? 12€/kg you could get some good cheese for that price. I rarely buy this as I considere it pricy.
Additionally to what others mentioned, Philadelphia ‘cheese’ is not from Philadelphia
It’s probably produced in the EU, maybe not even by Mondelez itself but some license-taker, but it’s still an American brand.
Also it’s overpriced. Never came across any store-brand stuff that’s worse in any way. The domestic name brand would be Exquisa.
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But why would the clerk put in effort to take the product out of the box and put it back on upside down?
The red boxes have just been put there without ripping the front off for show, which makes your theory more plausible.
Source: Me, a stoned retail worker.
The red boxes contain Gouda cheese, most likely from NL and not US. The flipped Philadelphia cream cheese is the focus here, and that‘s surely not how it was packaged in the plant.
But it will get lost on many consumers, as it looks too similar. Turning it back to front will have a better effect for consumers, but might just increase work for the stoned clerks who have to reverse them again.
Amerika Woche bei Lidl gecancelled
Ist das ein Wunch oder ein Fact?
Until the upper class gets worried, the US won’t change. Thank you Europe, keep making the 1% sweat at their next board meeting.
You’re telling me that Philadelphia… is from the USA!?
Colour me shocked!
So… What’s going on with the flipping? I can’t appreciate any labeling difference.
It started in Canada, where Canadians would flip American brands upside down. It quickly became a sort of “hey FYI this shit is American” signifier. It made the boycott much easier, because you could just look at what was upside down and avoid it. And now it’s catching on in parts of Europe as well.
Flipping upside-down, backwards, sideways, and sometimes a combination has become a visual way in Canada to denote a product is an American brand. This post is about that visual flag starting to catch on in Europe, at least in Berlin.
Doing my part in Finland! Especially for American tex-mex foods masquerading as Mexican in the Hispanic foods section. My wife and her friends are joining in as well.
i need to see the Hispanic food section in Finnish stores
Select stores have them. They’ve been appearing in the last 4 years. Which is nice because now I don’t have to make tortillas every time.
There’s also a Mexican store in Helsinki that imports called Dos Tecolotes in case you need items like corn husks. Wish they had Oaxaca cheese and banana leaf tho, but at least I can make Mexican tamales now as well.
That’s cool. Will start this when I am next somewhere shopping.
Thanks! But… Only the top row? I guess it was too messy to do it to all of them.
Which group of pixels am I meant to be focusing on?
Edit: Came back to look at this later and the picture seems to be loading like normal now. Looked like a Community Crib Sheet the first time I saw it.
Philadelphia upside down.
the cheese is in distress
I investigated this. It seems that the image host does not play nicely with mobile clients.
Here is a dump of the post data
{ "ap_id": "", "community_id": 1045737, "creator_id": 1804153, "deleted": false, "featured_community": false, "featured_local": false, "id": 26747103, "language_id": 37, "local": false, "locked": false, "name": "Berliners have also joined the movement and are working hard", "nsfw": false, "published": "2025-03-12T23:07:43.291180Z", "removed": false, "thumbnail_url": "", "url": "" }
From this you can see there are two image URLs. The thumbnail (generated by the lemmy server):
And the original url:
It looks like loading the image from the original URL behaves differently based on the device, browser etc. On a Lemmy client it returns a tiny image which is why it’s so pixelated for some users. It returns the same tiny image when loaded from mobile Chrome. However on desktop Firefox the image resolution is fine.
This is what it looks like on mobile:
Voyager on iPhone gave no problem.
Update: Ignore the rest of the comment. I just tried to request the image with any User-Agent and it’s now always serving the full resolution image. It definitely wasn’t returning the full resolution images the last time I tried even with different User-Agents for Chrome/Firefox/etc. My leading theory is this image host just sucks.
This is very interesting. The story continues.
I see that two uses have reported that the image loads fine on two different Lemmy clients. This told me this is unlikely to be a coincidence. So I double checked the image in Thunder and like you’ve both reported the image loads as expected.
Then I figured out that Voyager and Thunder share one thing in common: they are both built using Flutter.
From my previous test I knew that the image host ( is using the user agent and other clues to serve different content to different browsers/apps. So my next theory is that the image host serves raws to flutter clients.
To test this theory I looked up the default user agent of Flutter apps which is just
, then I looked up the latest version of flutter which is 3.71. Then I tried making a request to the url with User-AgentDart/3.7.1
and boom the website returned the full 3.71MB raw for the image solving the mystery.As a fix for clients (and this is a terrible terrible fix) any app that wants to get raws off this host needs to send their request with a Flutter user agent.
Thank you so much for all the work you do for us.
Hmmm I’m using Thunder and the image loads fine.
Thunder is probably loading the thumbnail link? Im not sure though.
I saw a different picture with Philadelphia cheese. And I’m guessing it’s about putting the cheese upside down.
Go Germany!
I wouldn’t notice this at my local Penny. They’re sometimes weird with their shelves.