Profitez des vidéos et de la musique que vous aimez, mettez en ligne des contenus originaux, et partagez-les avec vos amis, vos proches et le monde entier.
Honestly, more people should probably do that. If you have a low printing volume, you’ll save a lot of money by going to a store to get prints.
Yes, you can argue that you need the convenience of having a printer right there. Just realize you’re spending a lot of extra money for that convenience.
That gives a whole new twist to “you’ll own nothing and be happy”
Honestly, more people should probably do that. If you have a low printing volume, you’ll save a lot of money by going to a store to get prints.
Yes, you can argue that you need the convenience of having a printer right there. Just realize you’re spending a lot of extra money for that convenience.
Fucking hell that sums up my life surprisingly well actually.
Welcome to the future
Future for normies: Renting/subscribing for everything
Future for me: Rejecting everything, I will write in cuneiform on clay tablets before I subscribe for a fucking HP printer.
Future for us: service bundling so you need to pay for shit services you don’t need to get the few you do need.
Sounds like another service to reject. Fucking try me, I will cook over a log fire if necessary just out of spite towards their bullshit.