Profitez des vidéos et de la musique que vous aimez, mettez en ligne des contenus originaux, et partagez-les avec vos amis, vos proches et le monde entier.
I mean, if you optimize it effectively up front, an index of hotels with AI agents doing customer service should be available, with an Agent-only channel, allowing what amounts to a text chat between the two agents. There’s no sense in doing this over the low-fi medium of sound when 50 exchanged packets will do the job. Especially if the agents are both of the same LLM.
AI Agents need their own Discord, and standards.
Start with hotels and travel industry and you’re reinventing the Global Distribution System travel agents use, but without the humans.
I mean, if you optimize it effectively up front, an index of hotels with AI agents doing customer service should be available, with an Agent-only channel, allowing what amounts to a text chat between the two agents. There’s no sense in doing this over the low-fi medium of sound when 50 exchanged packets will do the job. Especially if the agents are both of the same LLM.
AI Agents need their own Discord, and standards.
Start with hotels and travel industry and you’re reinventing the Global Distribution System travel agents use, but without the humans.
Just make a fucking web form for booking