I have followed this wiki guide: https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/Localization/Japanese#Japanese_Input, picking Fcitx5 and Mozc, but I still don’t have a functioning setup after spending 3 evenings on it.
I have the IME selector in the top bar where I can select Mozc and the Mozc menus display just fine.
(Gnome doesn’t let me screenshot this menu, for some reason)
- But as you can see, the IME name is replaced by a white rectangle, I guess it should be a Japanese character.
- When I try typing with Mozc activated, the popup does appear and the output text is written in Japanese characters, which means I have correctly installed the Japanese font, but the popup contains white rectangles instead of Japanese characters.
I think this means that Gnome doesn’t find the Japanese font, but I couldn’t find in the guide how to tell Gnome to use it.
Can anyone give me a hint?
do you have cjk (chinese japanese korean) fonts?
e.g. pacman -S noto-fonts-cjk on arch
edit: I’m dumb and didn’t fully read the post, what cjk font do you have installed?
also are you sure it’s installed system wide, not just as a user font?
I’m not going to be any help unfortunately, but I wanted to say my laptop has a Japanese keyboard, and Garuda Arch detected it, and it switches back and forth with no issues. I’m using the “Dragonised Gaming KDE” flavour.
Sorry I couldn’t help.
がんばれ 💪 (be gentle, I’m still learning)
Try looking through these links, some variables/config may be needed for proper Wayland operation?
Can the fcitx window font be set separately within config?