We are aware of the following bugs that may occur during the live test of the broadcasting feature:

🔹 The first performance that a player will view may appear to be playing on an invisible piano. This should correct itself with the next broadcaster.

🔹 Some players may not be able to see concert hall effects that are triggered during player emoting reactions.

🔹 The previous broadcaster may not time out properly before the next broadcaster appears causing a brief overlap in players seated at the piano.

🔹 Players that have not yet completed the second quest of the Season of Duets, may not properly see the broadcasters at the piano.

🔹 Some players may experience troubles hearing instrument audio or sustained notes.

We appreciate your patience and apologize for any inconvenience these may cause while we work to resolve these before the official launch of the feature.

  • talouOPM
    2 months ago

    The play test for the broadcasting at the Concert Hall is LIVE!

    If you were logged in the game prior to 10:30 am, please restart the game to be able and join!