I can’t imagine it’ll be all that good. The thing that really pushes Buffy to “cult classic” status is honestly 90s nostalgia. I can’t imagine a version of Buffy that isn’t heavily steeped in 90s cliches.
I mean it has some howler episodes but so do a lot of shows. It’s fun, interesting, engaging and full of likeable characters. I can think of a lot worse 90s shows.
So no Wheadon huh? Guessing because of all the shit that came out about him?
Not gonna stand for any negativity for this until it shows up and we can give it a fair shake. I’m super excited to hear this.
You better be rebooting angel then!
While we’re at it someone convince Hulu that Firefly was part of the Buffyverse
TIL the director of “the Eternals” is the same as “Nomadland”?
Holy shit, this is amazing! Fingers crossed that it’s good.
As a Buffy fan I’m quite excited. But sarah michelle gellar is just not a drawcard for me. What’s to be excited about? She played the least interesting character and did a mostly adequate job of it.
She is 47, she was 25 when Buffy ended.
She needs to be a mentor and train a new slayer.
I watched for Willow, Giles, Cordelia and Spike.
Angel was better sans Buffy.
Buffy got boring because they leaned into the child soldier and she just gave up trying to have any kind of normalcy in her life.
Then again its been nearly a decade so I could be misremembering.
I thought that from S5, after her mom and then she died, that it was the best part of the series. It stopped being as campy and showed much more character growth all around.
I watched for Willow, Giles, Cordelia and Spike.
I used to joke that spike should vamp faith, then together they kill buffy and rename the show: Faith and Spike, the Vampires.
I’d be into that show for sure. Or Spike turns Faith and Buffy and they go off as a triad. Always thought Spike and Faith were better for Buffy than Angel.
Faith and Spike were the much cooler bearded-evil-dimension versions of Buffy and Angel, for sure.
Yeah, if they can’t get at least two out of Alyson Hannigan, Charisma Carpenter, Eliza Dushku, James Marsters, or maybe Alexis Denisof I’m not interested.
Charisma especially would be great as she got the shit end of the stick in Angel. I wouldn’t mind a better ending for Fred/Illyria as well.
Which raises the question of exactly where they’ll be picking up continuity: The end of Buffy? The end of Angel? The comics?