They’re ending all investigations into workplace discrimination.
BRB, gonna fire all the white men and see what happens
If only there were a significant proportion of minorities in positions to do that.
You do not have to be a minority to do this.
and the firing of all the future ex-federal employees who were loyal to the job, but not the diaper.
I guess workers are going to have to take things into their own hands again.
The moment he takes away protections for race is the moment I stop hiring white people.
In my industry, black people typically have lower salary expectations and have worked harder to get where they are.
I get what you’re saying but you’re also saying that it’s cool to be racist against white people just because some white people are insufferable antisocial mentally deficient assholes.
I would never say this about any race because I’m not racist, all people are the same. What does that make you?
I had a similar argument the other day somewhere else. People seem to think you can’t be racist against white people, and argue that it’s not racism when they discriminate specifically upon the color of white people’s skin. Lemmy/Reddit/Social Media goes bonkers when you tell them that you can be racist against anybody regardless of skin color, as is the literal definition of racism. And they wonder why nobody takes them seriously on the opposing side of the political spectrum, when people in their own clique think they’re dumb as hell.
Yet I get down voted.
Doesn’t matter, I treat everyone the same, I don’t give a shit about your skin color, your gender, your sexual preferences (and please, I don’t need to know your sexual preferences when you introduce yourself to me), or anything like that. I’ll treat you with respect.
Would be nice that lemmings and the rest start applying rules equally. Racism is racism, not “racism is racism unless it’s against a white person”
I’m not who you responded to, but I’m butting in here. I do not believe the person you responded to has shown any evidence of racism.
What does their comment plus yours make them? I’d say a small force opposing the inevitable consequence to this revocation of employment rights. The inevitable consequence being for agencies to engage fewer visibly non-white contractors.
One person suggests not hiring people based on the color of their skin. Another person argues that this person does not show any signs of racism. What’s even going on anymore?
Bring balance to the force.
Or just stop being racist and an asshole altogether?
He quite literally said “I’ll stop hiring white people”
Let’s try this: " I’ll stop hiring black people". That’s pretty racist, right? I fully believe that, and I’d never say or do that.
So if that is racist, it is also racist if it’s against white, yellow, brown or green for all I care. Racism is racism, please stop with the “racism is okay against whites because they have power” bullshit.
If you want to kick against those in power, go right ahead. If that means you’ll mostly mock against white people because most people in power are white people, fine! If you start kicking against ALL white people because of that, you’re the exact same type of racist as the ones liking to dress up as a ghost.
Seriously, why do I even have to explain racism? I grew up being taught that were all the same, no matter color, wee-wee or pee-pee, who you decide to love, or even if you want to believe in imaginary sky people. Granted, that last one is hard for me because religions cause so much shit and it’s all about who’s imaginary sky person is real or not. But beyond religion, I treat everyone equal, I respect all.
Why is it so goddamn much to ask that rules are applied equally to all?
Not all people have the same opportunity. To say all people are the same is to deny systemic reality. Lemme know when everyone has similar wealth or power to Trump, Musk, Zuckerberg, etc.
Uh huh, and that is your excuse for being okay with racism?
Because that is what that was, LITERALLY. It’s the classic “it’s only bad if they do it, it’s perfectly fine when we do it” scheme and it’s tiring
If you want to be against racism, then be against racism. If you want to be able to be racism against white people, because “insert reasons they sound good in your head” then that’s fine, but at least admit you’re just a racist too.
I’m ok with discriminating against billionaires to the extent that they shouldn’t exist. I don’t believe there should be such disproportionate power. There is a general trend of white men having the most, but it’s not exclusive. I don’t therefore believe white men all disproportionately have more power and discriminate against them. Does that make sense?
If not, please do explain how anything I’ve said is racist. I’m hoping this was just a misunderstanding and you’re not implying that calling out systemic racism is racist in itself. That would put us in quite the pickle lol
Lol nice try
Yeah, right?
This deals with equal opportunity for federal contractors. It’s not directly tied to labor in the private sector.
But also, yes. I feel like maybe it’s better in the long run if the federal government isn’t looking out for people, and they get accustomed to organizing themselves enough to demand better treatment from their employers without anyone needing to hand it to them.
IDK, maybe I am just trying to rationalize what is guaranteed to happen regardless.
Like they did during the industrial revolution and the coal mining era?
I’ll have to start wearing my Cabin Creek shirt more often.
For anyone who, like me, didn’t know:
Executive Order 11246, signed by President Lyndon B. Johnson in 1965, prohibits discrimination in employment by federal contractors based on race, color, religion, sex, or national origin, and requires affirmative action to ensure equal opportunity in hiring. It aims to promote non-discriminatory practices in the workplace for those doing business with the federal government.
Jfc he just does stuff to be an asshole
Funny way to spell Nazi.
It’s an older code but it checks out
No. The truth is much worse. He knows what he’s doing.
i mean…no, he doesn’t.
his handlers know what they’re doing!
trump has never been competent enough to be an effective nazi…which is why project 2025 was created in the first place:
man-childs first dictatorship
now even easier with step-by-step instructions!
The Nazi movement would not be competent at all without enough cogs in the machine
Yup, Trump is just a warm body that polls well. Anyone can fill his role, there’s an agenda behind the scenes.
There is still Title 7 of the Civil Rights Act that protects that.
A fair and equitable workplace should have been ratified in the constitution forever ago. Now we just lost our labor rights enforcement.
Joan Westenberg’s framing of this problem as “technical debt” I think is spot-on. Because congress (especially the Senate) has become unable to pass bills, and states are no longer able to amend the constitution, we have amassed a ton of technical debt in our laws, patched only by executive orders that can be easily swept away by the next executive.
So many things should have already been put in. Then again so many Americans only care about the 2nd amendment so who knows how much it would help
Musk is a racist white South African who grew up in the ownership class and inherited an emerald mine. Behind the Bastards explains just how bad it gets.
He’s going to have to proclivities towards elitism and towards preserving his privilege. And when that is challenged by the rise of class consciousness, it means he’s going to fall on the side of fascist autocracy, oligarchy and monarchism.
No salute is necessary to determine where Mr. Musk falls in this paradigm, and he would rather kill, die and end the world than give up his wealth and power. I hope we don’t have to oblige him, but peaceful efforts to separate the super-wealthy from their ill-gotten gains have not historically succeeded, where guillotines (and hunting down any potential legal heirs, without remorse) have been more consistently effective.
The trick is getting from that moment to one that distributes that wealth and power diffusely or into actually-for-real public-serving institutions. Historically, we fail to do that part and have to kill a sequence of dictators scrambling to own the One Ring for themselves.
You know how Milton burns down the building in Office Space?
On the surface hiring based off merit sounds better than hiring for diversity, but is it that merit is harder to achieve in diverse communities because of socio economic class? Racism basically?
“Merit” is defined by what is measured in most hiring it’s just a preference of the hiring body. As with a bunch of places around where I live, young single women, older women, old white guys, young white guys, and everyone else was the preference order…
What about qualified? Is there an argument to be had about hiring someone that is more qualified rather than on diversity?
I’m not trying to be facetious here. I work as a union electrician and we have a diverse group, but majority of our workforce are men. On one project we needed 2 crew to run trench conduit (an apprentice and journey level to stay in ratio) but because it was a government project the hiring required us to also stay in diversity ratio. So the project manager anticipated the difficulty and hire 3. A woman and 2 men. All 3 were working on the trench, but due to the nature of the work (harder physical labor) the woman ended up holding a sign for the remainder of 6 months she had to be there to “fill” the diversity hire, as the original planned 2 man crew ran the trench to stay on schedule.
In this scenario should there be a bigger budget for diversity hire to compensate the additional labor required due to qualifications not being met? Of course it easily could have been a rock of a woman and 2 men who couldn’t lift a shovel too. But if that was the case the unqualified labor would have been rotated out instead of staying to fill a required diversity slot. It could have been 2 people like originally planned and both could have been women who were qualified to do the work. But that means it’s qualification over them filling their diversity roles.
I agree there too. I think anyone thinking that it’s an easy task is lying. Forced top down initiatives suck period. They almost never account for the reality of the work because they aren’t looking at it, but instead abstractions and opinions of people looking at the people looking at the people doing the work.
Personally, what makes more sense is an active monitoring indicators of discrimination and have that trigger a real analysis on why that is the case. What presumption of being a man actually makes them a better fit for the role and maybe just include that (i.e. are they able to put enough force in consistently enough to dig this thing)? The other is, is there an investment to be made to make said task easier so more people could do it?
There is a sect of people that miss what the point of “diversity is our strength” which is that people can be better or worse at things or provide new perspectives. If we don’t allow people to do different things or listen to their perspectives there we aren’t getting more out of it
Reminds me of that one popular Harvard philosophy lecture where the students were arguing whether it’s fair to grant admissions based on race over merit
Elon Musk shouldn’t exist