Not sure if it’s a life pro tip, an ADHD pro tip, or a cat owners’ pro tip, but I’ve forgotten food in the microwave so many times after putting it there to keep my cat out of it, it kinda hurts. I always allow my food to cool some before putting it away, but these days, I use a microwave timer to remind me. It won’t shut up unless I go push a button. And while I’m in there, I might as well clean the rest of the kitchen. Since I’m up.

By the way, I woke up to cat barf on my countertop. How’s your morning going?

    2 months ago

    Timers are amazing.

    Need to put the laundry in the dryer after it’s washed? Timer.

    Need to clean, but you don’t want to? Timer.

    Want to avoid falling into a slack/email hole at work? Timer.

    Want to avoid spending too much time in certain apps? Timer.