When pressing Super-E when Dolphin is already open, I would like for the existing window to be unminimized and for a new tab to be created, rather than a new window.
How to do this ?
Check the settings, this doesnt require any changes.
Btw same possible for konsole and okular.
The “Keep a single Dolphin window” option doesn’t work for Super-E.
It only works for third-party apps (e.g. “Show in folder” for browser downloads).
Try something like
dolphin --new-tab
? And change the keyboard shortcut?Nope, and I looked at
dolphin --help
but there’s nothing there
I think Ctrl + T will open a tab in dolphin window.
I want a global shortut, that will open Dolphin if not already open, and focus the existing window then create a new tab if already open.
@KaKi87 My instinct is that a bash script would be able to do this or changing the keybind in KDE settings.
I don’t use KDE too often though, so these may not be the easiest way to do it.