People seem to forget that the ADL is not a Jewish advocacy group, they are an Israeli lobby group. Israel is a far-right government that is actively engaged in genocide.
The ADL exposed themselves as a hate group 14 months ago
I heard of ADL Wayy before this,And its pretty classic they are doing this judging by their past.
(oops wrong acc but its fine)
The ADL are defenders of genocide. Is it any wonder they’d be pro-Nazi?
deleted by creator
That’s literally not what this picture depicts.
They’re not “defending a nazi salute”. They’re saying the awkward gesture wasn’t one.
This community exists by the sloppy perception of its readers. You want to be surrounded by Nazis (clearest form of moral imperative from history — for those who’ve only scratched the surface of studying history — providing an easy direction for your life) so badly that you’re willing to ignore the evidence directly in front of your eyes.
The screenshot in this post literally disproves the claim in the title. This is the essence of doublespeak: contradictions in the smallest possible footprint, laid out glaringly and consumed with eager approval.
Who/what is ADL?
Anti-Defamation League. Basically a zionist organization that goes after anything they percieve as being anti-semitic. Their definition of anti-semitic typically seems to include vocally supporting Palestine & not supporting Israel.
Part of what makes this noteworthy is they call anti-semitism often in dubious cases where it is not present - so them defending Elon sieg heiling multiple times is unusual, but also likely a calculated move to not distance their organization from president musk’s administration.
It used to be Anti-Defamation League but it’s looking more like AIPAC Defense League.
They’re an organization that calls out antisemitism.
Problem is saying anything against Israel, or pro-Palestine will get you on their public list of antisemites, along side your local neo-nazi militia members.
It’s Zionist propaganda and intimidation.
So they’re a Nazi organization
Anti-Defamation League. They’re a non-profit political group that state their mission is to combat anti-Semitism. They’re mostly a pro-Isreal group.
ADL stands for Anti Defamation League, the first paragraph on the about us page on their website reads.
ADL is the leading anti-hate organization in the world. Founded in 1913, its timeless mission is “to stop the defamation of the Jewish people and to secure justice and fair treatment to all.”
*except Palestinians
Nah, you just gotta ask them what a fair treatment for a Palestinian would be. Probably not anywhere near what would be fair treatment for an Israeli. Or most other folks.
According to the Israel government, the “fair treatment” for Palestinians is the “Endlösung”.
He’s laughing at them. He feels so safe.
He’s laughing with them, they’re out there gaslighting people for him.
I’d imagine Musk thinking everybody are laughing with him always because he is so desperate for validation and those that he can’t gaslight himself are with him is why he is a nazi.
I’d imagine Trump to laugh to himself with self indulgence of all his smarts, and mostly scoffing and despise everyone that supports him or not including those closest to him and his own family. Thinking of it, it’s not impossible he despises them all because they are supporting him. Idiots that allow themselves to be herded like sheep by a wolf like himself.
By all accounts I’ve heard, the man has no sense of humour at all and scarcely ever find anything funny. Fact is, we’re in this mess because he can’t take a joke.
What a shame if
The ADL has been in Trump’s pocket ever since he moved the US Embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem
Musk attended Netanyahu’s visit to Congress. And Musk went to Israel for a propaganda tour of oct7.
Fun fact zero babies were shot in their crib on oct7
Yeah it was just “my heart goes to all of you” also known as "Meine Ehre heißt Treue”.
As long as you grease the right palms you’re never in the wrong
🤣 /s
He wasn’t doing a Nazi salute. He’s literally trolling you all and you’re all falling for it.
"He didn’t mean for it to be a Nazi salute, he just wanted it to look like a Nazi salute. You know, to troll people who don’t like Nazis "
He’s literally just a cringe edgelord desperate for attention. And people keep giving him exactly what he wants.
He’s literally just a cringe edgelord desperate for attention
It’s the rule of goats:
If you screw a goat ironically, you still screwed a goat.
ask the trump why his hand wasn’t on the bible during oath
Hey if you’re trolling you should check out the ! community, I think you’d like it.
I mean, can you blame them? If someone waves their arm that doesn’t make them a Nazi. It only empowers Trump when people overreact to everything. If Elon is saying Heil Hitler or publicly saying he is a Nazi, that is different. However, waving an arm doesn’t make someone a Nazi & is ridiculous if you think about it. I’m so tired of stupid PC police trying to claim everything is offensive.
remember guys, it’s only a nazi if they do a nazi salute while saying “heil hitler I’m a nazi kill all jews and other minorities” just like it’s only a racist if they’re burning a cross and yelling the hard R and saying “I’m a racist”, but only if they do it all at the same time. 2 out of 3 doesnt qualify.
Remember, this person wants to tell you that moving your arms in a way they don’t like turns you into a Nazi.
Afaik musk is yet to explicitly deny it. Laughing at adl doesn’t count
Have you seen the video? He did an unmistakable Nazi salute to the crowd, then turned around and did the same Nazi salute towards the USA flag. This was as Sieg heil as Nazi salutes come.
In no time ever has a Nazi gripped their heart like that before reaching out their hand. I just went through countless videos of fucking Nazis to confirm this. Stop spreading misinformation /disinformation
You sure about that?
So a Nazi salute has to be totally historically accurate for you to see it for what it is, but you can “give your heart” to an audience with a hand raised and downturned and you have no issue with that explanation? If you give, your hand is generally upturned. That is the gesture. Golly gosh I wonder why he did it that way instead 🤔🤔🤔 total mystery.
So according to you, Elon Musk has his heart in his upper left side longue, close to his left shoulder. Sounds like one special kind of human.
And if that’s just waving, then why according to you did he wave to the American flag? Is that just how south-africans salute the usa flag, by “waving” at it?
And I also call bullshit on the claim of having watched countless videos. If you had, then you had seen a much greater variety of Nazi salutes. Nazis as they got older and/or higher in the Nazi hierarchy, they became sloppier with the Nazi salutes. Sometimes the mind is willing, but the body says no.
Nothing I say to explain further why it isn’t a Nazi salute won’t matter. It’s evident your bias will cloud any rational discourse.
I still would love to hear your explanation of why he is “waving” at the American flag.
I heard giving a peace sign means your pro Hamas. Clearly if you give a peace sign that means you support Hamas.
What the hell are you on about?
Elon Musk does an unmistakable Nazi salute, you claim he was just “waving”, despite there not even having been a waving motion, just the one swing from left shoulder to full extended right arm, which is a textbook Nazi salute. And now you come with whataboutism about Hamas and I don’t even know what’s the point of it.
What kind of troll are you?
What kind of troll are you?
A poor one.
Yeah, I already had him marked as a “both sides” troll lol.
I know you wanted to be sarcastic but you ended up not making any sense.
He done it twice and repeated a version of the 14-words after it, thanking them for securing the nations future.
So he moved his arm & thanked Trump for securing the nations future? “OMG!!! Halp us please the world is ending he said thank you to Trump! I’m melting… oh, I’m melting. Nazi! Racist! Homophobe! Bigot!”
That’s coming from the people that are ready to kill on the sight of rainbow colors on some fabric.
Who is killing who? When & where was the last murder?
Crime has went down substantially towards minorities. Gay & Trans hate is real, but no where near the level of half the country ready to kill you at a moments notice. I am pro LGBTQ+ and display my support, never had an issue. Not saying they don’t exist, but it is not very common & many of those listed on that page aren’t necessarily hate crimes. I understand why Trump would be concerning, especially the far-right religious zealots, but I don’t think you have that much to worry about right now.
Fucking doubt that.
I didn’t say any of that I just said he definitely meant to do a Nazi salute.
Okay, prove it. Tell everyone how one of the biggest supporters of the Jewish state plans to eliminate Jews.
Why would I need to prove something I didn’t say?
You can do a Nazi salute without wanting to exterminate all Jews. Learn some nuance.
That’s just called moving your arm dude.
If this kind of greeting is so much in your standard repertoire that you just accidentally without thinking go for it in such a moment… Then it is not the “stupid PC police trying to claim everything is offensive”. It is offensive. Which normal person does that?
Edit: I mean, seriously, look at this
Taken from I just include it here in case that post is deleted.
What? That’s just Hitler doing an awkward gesture.
Those are very different positions & movements even. Really you’re stretching here. Include audio of him saying “Heil Hitler” or “I’m a Nazi” and you’ve got something, but right now you have someone moving their hand, waiving, doing a karate chop, or whatever. No arm movement makes anyone a Nazi unless they also proclaim they’re a Nazi. That’s just not how it works. What is next, a peace sign suddenly means your pro-Hamas? Winking means you are anti-trans? Thumbs up means your a racist? That is how the stupid PC police works.
Elon could come out in a SS uniform and you’d probably just suggest he’s really into historical reenactment, give me a fuckin break.
You really love to role play Nazi fantasies in your head don’t you? It is called projection. You are projecting your fascism.
Nice gaslight attempt.
Context matters. This is a man futzing around with the far right in Germany, specifically, right now. The movement made is sharp, exact. It is what it looks like it is.
“My coworker made a sharp movement with his arm. This proves he is a Nazi!”
“HR: Have they said they are a Nazi or that they hated Jews?”
“No, but they made a sharp hand gesture!”
Go for it. See how ridiculous you sound.
And here I am, 45 years old and never accidentally made this motion. How unlikely of me.
More like that guy hanging out in the Nazi bar…
-“Does he say he’s a nazi?”
No, but he does the nazi salute.
-“tHaT doesn’t prove anything!!!”
That is you making things up again cause you feel like you have to lie to support your cause. Projecting your own fascist ideals rather than looking in the mirror.
“Guys, guys. Since Musk isn’t from Germany, he’s not a Nazi! It’s just sparkling fascism! Totally different!”
Go into work today and do this to everyone you see then. And don’t half ass it. Straight arm, hand down, up at an angle. Direct eye contact too.
Hahaha, just wtf. You’re just trolling, I get it, it can be fun.
No, actually I’m not. No arm movement makes someone a Nazi. It’d be so funny if you traveled back in time on the year 1000 & started calling people Nazis for the way they moved their arms. It is dumb to claim that & it makes people so easy to troll if they are that susceptible to anything. “You have to fire my coworker. They moved their arm in a way & they are a Nazi.” “HR: Have they said they hate Jewish people or told you specifically that they are a Nazi?” “No, they just moved their arm.”
Nah, it’s cool, no need to double down. I get what you are doing.
I can totally see the difference. One is in colour and the other is in black & white. Ergo, not a Nazi salute. Got it.
Never trust someone with two first names. Been following that advice my entire life and I’ve yet to find an exception, they’re always a piece of shit and usually prove that very quickly.
Cool. What is your walkaround for the crap he’s pulling in Germany’s politics right now, with their far right?
He can be both a nazi, and not do the back salute? Not sure 😂
You voted for Stein. You don’t get opinions, bitch. At least vote for the person you’re choosing to elect you spineless piece of shit.
Wow, so authoritarian & oppressive with a keyboard. The fascist in you is showing. It was projection all along. In person though, you’d cower & eat a shit sandwich if the Democrats told you to like the good little cult follower you are.
Democrats aren’t dressed in Biden or Kamala gear head to toe. You’ve got it wrong where the cult behavior is. And easily so.
What does the Biden shit sandwich taste like? Some ice cream mixed with Alzheimers, genocide, and some oligarchy sprinkled on top?