I try to be mindful of my Lemmy image/persona since I try to be supportive and educational here. I don’t have a problem with sharing my personal beliefs, but I try to keep it constructive and not too judgemental.

I’ve spent a lot of time cultivating the community where I spend most of my time posting content to, and I like all the comments people share on a daily basis because it’s a positivity oriented community.

Between things in real life and fighting feelings of burn out here, it’s been a bit tougher to stay motivated. One thing I’ve been noticing more lately, and I’m not sure how to deal with it, and I’m curious how you all deal with it.

If you have regular commenters that you like in your community, but you see them being kinda shitty in other communities, does that affect you?

I know there are stressful things going on just about everywhere, but it’s tough when I see people I look to for positivity in return for my work having bad takes or saying things that make me feel less happy about them.

The broadest recent example is probably the Luigi/United Healthcare assassination. Without getting into a whole thing, I don’t support it the way many have expressed here, but I can empathize with the reasoning behind why Luigi has broad support. But I see people I like saying what I feel are pretty hateful things, and I’m having a hard time separating what they show me of themselves in our positive space with what I’m seeing of them in the general Lemmyverse.

I don’t know if I should just ignore it, but I don’t feel there Is really any ideal way to discuss too much as I don’t want to alienate people from my content. I don’t use any alta as that just seems like too much work, but now I kind of want to avoid people a little bit.

Just curious if any of you go through anything similar and to see how you deal with it.

  • anon6789@lemmy.worldOP
    2 months ago

    I saw my role in charge as to keep my people left alone as much as possible. I did the role for about 10 years before I was in charge, so I knew the job and what it took to get things done, and I knew the typical problems we had. I did what I could to get people what they needed to do their work with less disruption, I tried to even out some of the sexist pay discrepancy I saw, I reported people to HR for harassing my people, I got a nursing area set aside after the one had a baby, and I tried to keep the upper management from implementing idiotic changes whenever I could. I did my best to keep people from fighting with each other, and when I had to deal with somebody, I made sure I never criticized them in front of others.

    One of the few times I did enjoy it was the one person I had to scold for something, and she started complaining why don’t I ever talk to so-and-so about what they do wrong, etc. I said, look around, we are in the most quiet part of the whole building. I’m not doing this to make you feel bad or embarrass you or anything, we just need to get whatever it is done. Everyone I need to talk to, I treat the same way, because I don’t get anything from making you guys feel dumb or mad or whatever it may be, we just have a set of goals we need to do.

    I still filled in all the roles of the job, plus things only I could do, so nobody really ever had anything to come at me for. I looked at myself in the leader role as the head of the workers, not as one of the managers, because I honestly couldn’t stand the management there, as somewhat indicated by the unfair pay and sexual harassment mentioned earlier. I just wanted people to be left alone if they were doing what they were asked.

    Did I impose my will? Sometimes, but we collaborated on most things to try to get a consensus on things that could be compromised on. I wanted us to get jobs done, not have people annoyed or fighting all the time. I left them a lot of freedom to find roles they were good at in the department, and we did a lot of experimentation to find ways to make things better.

    I eventually got booted from that role and then booted from the company after 12 years because they tried to do shady stuff and I kept reporting people to HR. They fired me for not being a team player. I don’t miss them.