One year, we decided to pass the new year eve in an uncle’s house at some god forsaken hole with our dog. After a neverending trip during wich our dog farted in the car, we finally arrive. The said uncle was a radical ecologist, wich is not a problem per se, except when his only conversation subject is about the ecological collapse, not the ideal subject for a good atmosphere, with in addition to that my sister’s BF, who was with us, doing his Mr. know-it-all show. Then we went to sleep, and i realize that i forgot my earplugs. No luck, everyone in my family was snoring very loudly, including the dog. Result: i didn’t sleep at all and looked pretty much like a zombie the next morning.

    3 months ago

    This one. So many uninvited guests… No one wants them here, but they have to complain about how I live for some reason. I’m not even sure there will be another one it’s so bad. I think we’ll end up blocking numbers and changing phones to avoid them, etc