I’ve been wondering when Russia would take the gloves off and send in Segal. I guess after the government collapsed.
Why is he wearing a Chinese Kung Fu gi if he’s a practitioner of Japanese Akido?
Very special forces.
I feel like the emphasis should be on the special.
You know, like we do for the kids on the short bus.
Waves his hands in vaguely flowey circles as a nearby enemy tank implodes
I love how they’ve photographed him from a very specific angle, and I can still tell he’s as fat as I am. Come on dude, we can both do the combat waddle!
They tried. I can still see it through the cosplay.
In his latest movies he fights sitting down in a rolling office chair. That’s how fat and lazy he’s become.
But watch out for his mortal enemy: stairs.
I thought it was going to be space ice.
It’s all ogre now!
Game ogre, man! Game ogre!
Mr gravy seal himself
Dang, Nick Rekieta got swole.
That’s a whole different kind of “special”.
God, no, they’re already starving!
What’s he going to do? Eat all their food so they starve?