(Evan can’t answer)

I’ve noticed in a couple games that I’ll find a magical catalyst outside of the room with the alchemy pot, and sometimes I’ll also discover a hidden secret room with an extra alchemy pot and usually two bonus energy crystals in it.

Is it implied that when you find a loose catalyst there is probably also an alchemy pot room in that level?

  • Björn Tantau@swg-empire.de
    4 months ago

    There are many such rules:

    • one strength potion on levels 1-2 of each region
    • one strength potion on levels 3-4 of each region
    • three upgrade scrolls in each region, never more than one per level
    • the potion to “solve” a puzzle room is always found on the same level
    • at least one alchemy pot behind a locked door in every region
    • one shop at the beginning of each region
    • at least one health potion, identity scroll, map scroll, uncurse scroll and ankh (and more, never cared to pay attention to the rest) in each shop
    • one catalyst in the first region
    • one quest in each region except the last, never in the first level
    • always a boss in the fifth level of each region

    Can’t think of more.

    • Vencedor@lemmy.world
      4 months ago

      I already wrote this comment, but I missclicked and closed the comment, deleting it. Gonna ungrammar. You forgot: Guaranteed pot in 3-4 of each chapter. Stone of id between 1-4 or 1-6 don’t remember Stone of enchant between 6-16 or 11-16 I think the latter Same sack in the firsts 3 shops as the most type of item in your inv.