It’s no secret that the bulk of AAA games market revenues come from in-game purchases , mostlyfrom live-service games. It’s also impossible to ignore that the live-service market is fiercely competitive....
I agree and I think a salient reframing of your statement is teenagers typically more than anything else want to be treated as adults, to be a teenager is to constantly be observing young adults and attempting to emulate their social behavior. So the question becomes why do we tolerate toxic adult conservative men setting such a cruel and hateful example that teenagers then copy and magnify?
What some teenager screams at you in an online match is just a shrill echo of the serious and dangerous ideologies modern (and not modern) conservatism is explicitly founded on and violently defends the “right” to spew everywhere in every context consequences be damned (the consequences being a feature not a bug).
I agree and I think a salient reframing of your statement is teenagers typically more than anything else want to be treated as adults, to be a teenager is to constantly be observing young adults and attempting to emulate their social behavior. So the question becomes why do we tolerate toxic adult conservative men setting such a cruel and hateful example that teenagers then copy and magnify?
What some teenager screams at you in an online match is just a shrill echo of the serious and dangerous ideologies modern (and not modern) conservatism is explicitly founded on and violently defends the “right” to spew everywhere in every context consequences be damned (the consequences being a feature not a bug).