Call it a Tamemoji. It gets its own column on your profile page complete with its stats. It evolves digi-like across emojis sharing keywords. Not sure how we’d tier them though.
Call it a Tamemoji. It gets its own column on your profile page complete with its stats. It evolves digi-like across emojis sharing keywords. Not sure how we’d tier them though.
Every time you disengage in a post your tamemoji gets a care mistake. Every time you delete a post your tamemoji gets a care mistake. Every time you upvote a post that later gets removed my a mod: care mistake.
Your tamemoji instantly jumps an evolution stage if you report a mod’s post and it gets removed. You get get a care mistake if you report a post and it isn’t removed within 24 hours.
Your tamemoji needs to be fed posts weekly by making posts and getting upvotes. Slowly devolves if not fed back to egg stage.