I’m clearly doing it wrong because they just don’t seem to believe that they won’t be missing out on their regular programs, many of which they can also access on apps they already have. But they would rather keep watching DirecTV for $120 a month. I’m worn out

  • Drunemeton@lemmy.world
    1 month ago

    If your parents are struggling to make ends meet at 77 then continue pressing the point and let them know why.

    If they’re not let to go.

    You’re good with tech and know they can save some money. If they don’t care about tech, and aren’t hurting for money, you’re just being annoying.

    Had the same convo with my mom. That’s where the annoying line came from! She likes what she has and can afford it.

    Now my sister ima boot in the head because she cancelled my mom’s landline for a cheaper cell plan. So now, oh…about 80% of the time I try to call mom her phone rings right into voicemail because she forgot to plug it in!