(image stolen from reddit)

I get that there have been hackers who have exploited the shared camera memories to glitch through whole realms at a time (they aren’t even efficient - an in game friend who was carrying me used them a few times, and you have to repeat each at least 3 times to get all the candles lit, it’s without a doubt faster to just run it), but surely they can tell the difference between those and the ones that just open a door, and address the hackers’ “exploits” without removing a feature that they created and enabled and have allowed to exist for so long it has become essential to solo players.

The fact that they’ve removed the camera memories but not the chibi fall tells you they’re not actually bothered at all about players taking shortcuts, as long as they’ve spent currency to be able to do it, and as long as it doesn’t help others who you aren’t carrying or who don’t happen to have the mask/spell/will to be tiny.

So this is entirely about removing community driven support that exclusively helps solo players make the grind a teeny tiny bit easier, at zero cost or harm to TGC (the 5-30 minutes you have to wait for other players to help literally gains them nothing), and when there are numerous and frequent game breaking bugs and issues that they aren’t addressing because they’re not accidentally making playing easier.

My biggest takeaway from TGC’s behaviour is that I’m so fucking glad I never gave them any money, and it ensures that I never will, because if I had, I’d be so upset at how they function (or don’t) it might have been enough for me to quit completely.

Vent over

  • talouM
    7 months ago

    We all know this glitch was a cheat. But oob are also glitches that are accepted by tgc, because this doesn’t affect game currency. I used this useful camera glitch some times, when out of time for CR. This made me think this was one of the better way to use the expression spell, and to gain hard-to-get hearts (thanks to tgc). I agree with you, this is an amazing way to help players, and btw one of the well done hack based on the huge bug base of Sky.

    • glitches that are accepted by tgc, because this doesn’t affect game currency

      This is what gets me - having the camera memories that help open multi-player doors don’t affect the currency at all (I think you can skip them all and still be able to get 20-21 candles a day from everywhere else, it’ll just take longer), which makes this that much more frustrating. Though I do think that memories helping anyone for free made them less “acceptable”, and chibi falls only helping the ones doing it and can only be done if you spend IG currency makes them more acceptable.

      In any case, it’s clear that the people making these decisions have never played the game, or at least no more than to see the “product” at work, and are only concerned with finding ways to increase IAP sales, which just really sucks, especially because they have such a unique and amazing game in their hands, and they’re slowly ruining it out of greed. 😕