
Not long ago I posed a challenge for those of us learning rust:

Basically write an equivalent of git diff --no-index A B … a file differ.

While it’s never too late to attempt it, I figured it’d be a good time to check in to see what anyone thought of it, in part because some people may have forgotten about it and would still like to have a shot, and also because I had a shot and am happy with what I wrote.

Check In

I’ll post where I got up to below (probably as a comment), but before that, does anyone have anything to share on where they got up to … any general thoughts on the challenge and the general idea of these?

My experience

My personal experience was that I’d not kept up with my rust “studies” for a bit and used this as a good “warm up” or “restart” exercise and it worked really well. Obviously learning through doing is a good idea, and the Rust Book is a bit too light, IMO, on good exercises or similar activities. But I found this challenge just difficult enough to make me feel more comfortable with the language.

Future Challenges

Any ideas for future challenges??

My quick thoughts

  • A simple web app like a todo app using axtix_web and diesel and some templating crate.
  • Extend my diffing program to output JSON/HTML and then to diff by characters in a string
  • A markdown parser??
  • JayjaderM
    1 year ago

    What would you be reaching for, in terms of patterns/approaches, when you know your data flow is too messy for a state machine?

    Bare if and loop expressions. Basically what you described as “dumb globals and a procedural/impérative style”. Of course, defining some custom types is almost always useful if not needed for “properly” handling ownership.