• @Trainguyrom@reddthat.com
    8 months ago

    So I’ve never looked up Microsoft’s financial reporting before but from what I can glean they report 3 business units with the following revenue for 2023:

    • Productivity and Business Processes 69 Billion
    • Intelligent Cloud 88 Billion
    • More Personal Computing 54 billion

    It’s not very clear where the gaming and Windows business units fall in there nor how they compare to eachother, but what is clear is that Azure is absolutely killing it in revenue for Microsoft

    Here’s a report of the current market breakdown. Azure is over 23% of the entire cloud market and gaining ground rapidly.

    I’ve probably made some errors in this quick data grab, but it’s extremely clear that azure is a significant portion of Microsoft’s interests right now.

    edit: formatting, embedded chart

    • @drathvedro@lemm.ee
      18 months ago

      Huh, the more you know. I was under impression that google and amazon had much bigger market share and Microsoft was at 10% at best, but I never actually looked that up. Now looking at it, what you’ve said makes much more sense, thanks.