By now you’ve likely heard that Representative Mike Johnson—the congressman Republicans finally elected as the new Speaker of the House after 22 days of chaos—played a significant role in the plot to overturn the 2020 election, a lowlight on his résumé that is obviously deeply concerning for the future of democracy. Also extremely worrisome? Johnson’s wildly bigoted remarks about homosexuality over the years, and the fact that he supported criminalizing gay sex between consenting adults.

CNN’s KFile reports that prior to his career in politics, Johnson wrote a series of deeply homophobic editorials in his role as an attorney for the socially conservative legal group now known as Alliance Defending Freedom.

    168 months ago

    Same as Clinton, etc. America wasn’t pissed he had an affair … it was that he lied about it.

    Stop. Fucking. Lying.

      98 months ago

      Those are not even remotely the same thing.

      Politicians lying is a bad thing. Politicians making laws that harm Americans for things that they do themselves is worse. It’s lying plus damaging our society.

      Clinton lying about his affair didn’t impact any other American other than Monica Lewinsky and his wife.

      08 months ago

      No. Not the same at all. It was fucking cool that Clinton got a blow job in the Oval Office, it was not cool that it was from a subordinate. Clinton did not commit any crimes nor misdemeanors. Oral sex is not sex.