• Deebster
    29 months ago

    I have some (English) friends there and they’ve been pleasantly surprised by the support from the normally anyone-but-England crowd:

    french fans are whistling every time Sa are on screen

    true story a welshman came up to me in a bar, a wales tattoo on his forearm and said - I cannot believe I am saying this but i hope England win good luck boys.

    • @theboy
      8 months ago

      The French love to boo. It’s all pantomime, but it’s the same in pretty much every sport. Heck, even the fancy pants Rolland Garros crowd will cheer/jeer based on basically the following order:

      • Locals

      • Underdogs

      • Pantomime villains based on a historic sleight that nobody even really remembers anymore.

      Based on the above, I don’t find it strange that England were the fan favourites for the local crowd.