Passkey is some sort of specific unique key to a device allowing to use a pin on a device instead of the password. But which won’t work on another device.

Now I don’t know if that key can be stolen or not, or if it’s really more secure or not, as people have really unsecure pins.

      -29 months ago

      I did.

      Passkeys = open standard, more secure by design, multi-factor.

      Passwords = bad track record, easily compromised.

      Can’t dumb it down much more than that chief.

        29 months ago

        Password databases can have MFA too. Passkeys by default (on Google’s implementation) seem to rely on just the device pin.

        Passkeys = open standard

        That’s not really something they have over passwords lol.

        Passwords = bad track record, easily compromised.

        I mean passkeys are so new thet don’t have a track record. So hard to compare on those merits. What do you mean easily compromised, exactly? Compared to password database model.

        Can’t dumb it down much more than that chief.

        You clearly lack imagination. Passkey = more secure password less secure is much more dumbed down.

        But I didn’t want you to dumb it down, I wanted you to expand on what you said and be more specific and technical. How are you still not getting what people’s gripe with your comments is lol

          -49 months ago

          People are down voting because they have issues and I don’t have the patience to entertain them.

          Fuck it, keep using passwords, don’t get vaccines and don’t drink fluoridated water.

          I don’t give a shit.

            19 months ago

            Ive read all your comments, and it just sounds like you have no idea why its better. Its like someone told you its better and gave you a few buzzwords, and youre just parroting it.

            I dunno man, if you cant explain the difference between the two maybe you shouldnt be insulting boomers, since you sound just like one