• 👍Maximum Derek👍
    999 months ago

    A few months after our company got acquired the new HR rep came to our city for a pep talk. The highlights of which included:

    • We’re trying to jack up the value of this company as fast as possible at the expense of all of you
    • If you like the idea of job security this isn’t the company for you

    Those weren’t her exact words, of course, but that’s what everyone took away from it. I had already given notice at this point.

    • @kaput
      299 months ago

      Been through that. Frantic home staging for quick resale. Meaningless kpi’s on every wall( so colorful tough) and Gambia walk where the suits get to pretend they care about your opinion once a month.

    • Kalkaline
      219 months ago

      Good guy HR rep affirming what everyone is thinking and giving the green light to leave.

      • 👍Maximum Derek👍
        249 months ago

        They kept up the friendly talk like “we love the culture your company has and we want to replicate it across the org” until our original CEO left, then the straight talk started happening. It became very clear to me and others that they just wanted to pump revenue until they could sell us off for a 10x (or higher) multiple.

        The somewhat heartening news is that the new CEO and all his ahole underlings all got fired by the board after the dumpster fire they created was fully ablaze. That was about a year after the HR talk I mentioned.