• @LaSaucisseMasquee
    1810 months ago

    A hint could be that in one of those countries, you may very well disappear if your voice is opposed to that of the regime.

    • Harrison [He/Him]
      110 months ago

      Plenty of outspoken state critics have had the CIA’s highest reward for investigative journalism administered cranially.

    • @FredericChopin_@feddit.uk
      -510 months ago

      Yes in that country and often with act of rendition.

      Again, what are they doing on a global scale? Selfish or not m, what goes on in China has little effect on me, but when countries like mine and the USA invade counties under false pretences and people then set off bombs in my country then that does effect me.

      All I’m saying is we seem to throw a lot of stones from inside our glass houses.

      • DessertStorms
        210 months ago

        All I’m saying is we seem to throw a lot of stones from inside our glass houses.

        that’s all it is, projection from regular citizens who have bound their nationality to their identity and can’t help but sling shit at others in a defensive reflex, and distraction by those in power pushing that nationalism (and other division) to keep us focused on an “enemy” that isn’t them.

        And to be clear before I get called a tankie - fuck China, it’s state run capitalism, not communism, and they definitely are responsible for a lot of shit, but so are almost all nations, and maybe people should be looking to hold their own governments accountable (or even better, to abolishing the systems that all these governments serve and rely on) before they start pointing fingers at others.

        A random worker in the UK has more in common with a random worker in China, than either have with an obscenely wealthy person of their own nationality - workers of the world unite!