50% of mobile players have now received a reward with real monetary value from a smartphone game. Meanwhile, 72% of that group say real-world rewards are now “important” when it comes to them selecting a new mobile game to download.

That’s according to the second part of Almedia’s Rewarded Returns report conducted by Atomik Research, which surveyed over 2,000 mobile players across the US and UK.

The reward-based UA approach seeks to acquire, engage, and retain more players by placing a rewards campaign over an existing game.

As such, a player might receive cash, Amazon credit, or payouts of other currencies of real-world value for reaching particular stages or achieving certain tasks within a game.

  • brsrklf
    1 day ago

    Making people pay to skip boring “gameplay” loops, and then paying them a trifle to get them to play more. While getting hundreds of time that from serving ads.

    The good content is hiding somewhere under all that, promise! Keep digging and you’ll find it.