I’d say we have more repetitions of this Headline than fentanyl seizures at the border so far this year.
I’d say we have more repetitions of this Headline than fentanyl seizures at the border so far this year.
Ich wusste es nicht und habe daher mal gesucht und folgendes gefunden:
Nur, falls noch wer gerne wissen möchte was denn tatsächlich passiert wäre, hätte es nen zweiten Ordnungsruf gegeben.
…reminds me of a trip with a cab back in 2010ish.
Two friends of mine and i went from Kladno to Prague via cab - a 30km ride. Cabdriver told us what this will cost, we took the ride. Cabdriver went well under the speed limit on the highway and it was clear early on: this ass wants to scam us.
Once we arrive he asked for double the price he initially asked to get. We gave him exactly what was agreed upon at the start and he threatened to call the cops. We told him “good luck” and “fuck you” and let him scream at us while we disappeared into the crowds of the downtown area.
Good times.
Yet ANOTHER reboot??
Damn, i loved this movie but c’mon.
“Merz had to form a coalition…”
Dude, ever since the BRD exists ALL governments in Germany were coalitions.
Every single one of them.
So, if you dont understand what you talking about about, please read some wiki article or something, and skip the rightwing bullshit propaganda on youtube, ok?
“See, if I am right about something, i was right about it from the start, even if I never said anything about it, ever.
If i am wrong about something, i was clearly making a joke, was sarcastic or, on purpose, exaggerated the issue.
It’s your fault, if you don’t understand or recognize what i do.”
Interesting to read that the article completely fails to explain why the sales drop in other parts of the world (than the US) and how that might be linked to his nazi salute or anything related to his political views.
If that is peak journalism, then its not surprising that analysts from the states get things wrong these days.
Nice list!
I would only add England - Terry Pratchett (Fantasy, but in an ironic, funny, quirky way, in its own world…with lots of “real world” ironies and sarcasm)
Then… its perfect ;)
This is satire, right?
Oh no!
What is the meaning of “sensing” in this context? Seems odd to me to use this word with a satellite? (Right, english is not my native language ;) )
In short:
If you watch tv without paying your tv license and get caught, you have to pay a fine.
There, fixed this fuxking clickbait for you.
Was, wenn dir das der Typ erzählt, der die 100k€ haben will?
Jupp, und (so mal rein theoretisch) heute 1000€ ausgeben, um das Eintreten eines Risikos in der Zukunft zu verhindern, welches mich 100k€ kosten könnte, ist vernünftig, richtig?
Wrong year.
1939 was the start of WW2, true - but the Seizure of Power (“Machtergreifung”) of the Nazis in Germany was 30.01.1933.
Tell me you dont know shit about the german voting system without telling me you dont know shit about the german voting system.
Wow. I have bo idea where to start with this one:
The fedditverse is not about americans, leftists are not all-including and whoever believes that has not understood politics in the slightest way. The conservative in the USA destroys everything outside their scope right now and a lot of history is being rewritten, for example the shit that went down on the 6th of January 24.
I read a lot of uninformed bias in this post and i am not surprised you feel attacked a lot. I bet you are, and rightfully so, because this is fox news level uninformed stuff you call knowledge here.
Why need 16 modifications, what are the different applications and how are they so different to each other that you need 16 modifications for a rocket?
Wouldnt (random number) 3 suffice?
Source or gtfo.