Hmmm. How about no other program has ever required this? A program is not the company. I do not need to give away my right to my data to use a telephone or send a postcard.
Hmmm. How about no other program has ever required this? A program is not the company. I do not need to give away my right to my data to use a telephone or send a postcard.
First, he’s not alone. There was a globe and mail editorial that also boosted this idea, with an emphasis on drug and AI patents.
Second, he doesn’t claim expertise in trade relations; he’s an expert on the recent history of IP and reasonable claim in that.
But frankly, what expertise in international relations is appropriate? Trump is blowing shit up, and does not act like a rational actor. Can you name someone who IS an expert on how to handle this?
I think you misunderstand: Canada just makes jailbreaking legal. We allow the jailbreakers to distribute their hacks and even sell them.
This isn’t crazy: even if it’s just for John Deer farm equipment it’s a huge boon to consumers.
Sure, Apple and Google will try to make this impossible, but there is a reason they want legal recourse as well as technological.
Postgres also had the advantage of great support for JSON elements, which gives you the power of a no-sql system like mongo in the package. A major selling point if your schema is evolving.
Not signing up. But I’ll take a guess. “Democrats chose to embrace trans people” (even though they remained closed-lipped), “didn’t court conservative voters” (even though they did), “didn’t tout their achievements with kitchen-table economic issues” (even though they did relentlessly), “didn’t embrace labor” (even though the Rs were actively hostile). The “centrists” got exactly the campaign they wanted but still want to say the left was too left.
“Educational purposes”… because everyone knows it’s good educational practice to spout utter bullshit at people wanting information.