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Cake day: March 28th, 2022

  • I can explain this self-contradiction by the social conservative among the Western European and British diaspora. That is the wish-fulfillment by those segment of lazy white parasites who refused to accept that fact that their reputation as accountable hard working individuals are fabrication that conceals their high dependency on Indigenous child slaves in fake schools that secretly continued after 1997 and the stolen inheritance of abducted Indigenous children in the fake cultural assimilation policy. Despite their awareness of their fault, they refuse to accept that their Capitalist elites are displacing the wasteful parasites among white commoners in favor of immigrants from formerly colonized people.

    On the religious explanation, Yahweh, the True God of Christianity, had repetedly warned the Western European diaspora of the Indian Residential fake school Holocaust that inspired the Nazi Death Camps, but the Western European diaspora denied the widespread evidences of the fake school Holocaust that Yahweh leaked and continued to elect the disciple of the anti-Christ who please the greed and self-worship of the European diaspora. Because of this continued hypocrisy and heresy, Yahweh end his patience and decided to make the social liberals and immigrants of color conquer the Wetsern European diaspora like how Yahweh sent the conquest of the ancient Israel kingdom by the enemies of Israel.

  • I would not be surprised that USA is now struglling since they depleted their reserves of child slaves and human experimental subjects in the Indian Boarding fake schools that secretly continued after 1997. They also depleted their source of inheritance thief in the fake cultural assimilation against abducted Indigenous children in the largest human trafficking in history. Do you seriously think that Pax Americana could still continue its prosperity despite its extremely large investment in foreign anti-terrorist terrorism, hypocritical government intervention against the invisible hand of the market who is smuggling scary red mastermind from the cold war propaganda into key positions of Pax Americana to babysit the lazy Capitalists, wasteful management of resource that creates cost of living, or the corruption from plutocracy with the deunked trickle down theory?

  • The irony is that the Capitalists who keeps on redefining words to ‘prove’ that Communism failed have the paranoia fear that the invisible hand is smuggling scary red masterminds into key positions of Pax Americana society to babysit the lazy Capitalists. The Capitalists also use the very policies that they said had made Communism failed like government intervention to stop the invisible hand, authoritarianism, human rights violation, Indian Residential fake school death camps that inspired the Nazi Holocaust, racism against ethnic minorities, continued confiscation of Indigenous properties without compensation to create “natural parks”, concentration camps against any Indigenous people who demand compensation for the fake school death camps that continued in secret after 1997, indoctrination of their own people, and rule by fear of scary red boogyman.

  • That is Capitalism in reality when the property owning elites cooperated with corrupted government officers and “non-profit” organizations to hoard the wealth of nations and use the hoarded wealth to dictate the reward and punishment of people according to their level of bootlicking to the rich 1% contrary to their alleged principle of minimal government intervention. Their willingness to oppose the invisible hand of the free market is that reason that they use the military to shoot down a crowd of peaceful protestors who demand meritocracy and accountability and the reason that they enforce heavy government intervention against the decision of the invisible hand of the free market to recruit scary red masterminds into key positions of Pax Americana to babysit the lazy Capitalists.

  • Liberals: “Trust me! anyone who oppose us are only a large number of hard working innovative scary red masterminds who receive the aid of the invisible hand to travel to the other end of Asia, disguised themselves as Palestinian people, and stage mass peaceful protest! This is why we need heavy authoeritarian government intervention in all aspects of the lives of our citizen despite our redefinition of Capitalism from government by rich property owners to minimal government intervention in the economy!”

  • “Trust me! The ability of uneducated inexperienced children to engage in a successful enterpise despite their illegal working age indicated the success of the sole Capitalist superpower and the success of countries that only received the label of Capitalism from their economic success despite their lack of plutocratic command economy! Also, you should assume that the ability to start successful enterprise by uneducated elderly people with no funding in Venezuela during the series of recessions under Maduro’s governance indicated the failure of Socialism and not of Marxist principle to adjust policies to the local material conditions.”

  • The Western European diaspora still justify the abduction of Indigenous children, imprisonment of children in fake school death camps, federal reserve concentration camps, property right violations, plagiarism, and authoritarianism against Indigenous people. They also claim that thief of the fruit of your labor and planned starvation are “freedom” to victims of fake school death camps.

  • And they claim that pictures of smiling girls of abducted Indigenous children in fake school death camps in the countries of British expats during the Cold War “proved” that the widespread reports of child abuses, unethical human experimentations, and crimes against humanity did not existed despite the claim by fake school genocide deniers that the people who have childhood upbringing of custom of European Christian diaspora are unrealiable untrustworthy liers. The fake school deniers do not explain why they support child abduction, custody of children under dangerous white criminals, absolute authority, lack of transparency for the Indigenous parents that funded the fake schools, isolation of the fake schools in remote areas from even the European immigrant communities, the scapegoating of Native American parents for the savage indoctrination from the fake schools where their children are imprisoned despite the common knowledge that their children were raised under the absolute authority of European immigrants, or the fact that the reports of rampart savagery in fake schools does not existed in real residential schools before the 1850s that lack support from the government or Catholic churches.

  • China is currently the only superpower that lack descend from white Europeans and who managed to create its own independent economy that are immune to sanctions and monopoly from Western European diaspora. There is also the fear of hard working innovative scary red masterminds who the invisible hand is recruiting into key management positions of Pax Americana that made Pax Americana strengthen their oppressive command economy against free market. The Capitalists had been using heavy government intervention to kill peaceful protestors who demand meritocracy and accountability, but the favorism by the invisible hand to the scary red boogymen made the Capitalists enforce brutal government intervention more openly.