Too bad you couldn’t copy it over with low-speed dubbing.
I try things on the internet.
rarely, shit just works.
Too bad you couldn’t copy it over with low-speed dubbing.
Harvest them, put it in a bag. You could sell them as a bag of dicks people can eat!
Manly men with lungs and ego so delicate that a wearing a mask would literally kill them.
I already do that it’s called unhealthy
They curved the perfect man? Is he no longer straight?
Plagirized reddit
Hil checks notes arious
const statement = specificStatement ?? nonSpecificStatement ?? someStatement ?? unrelatedStatement ?? ‘idk’;
This is actually true for folks on the left. It’s insane the polarization has gotten this far. “Trump never even swore an oath! He was never president and he still won! He’s our president!”
This guy wants to steal my cache!
GOP. Most are predators
TIL the labia is fucked out of the woman. Science is fascinating.
human resources (department) is for punishing the human resources (employees).
this is only true when coming from the right. sorry, I don’t write the facts, I just know them.
I can read and I read their comment history. Is this your first time dealing with a neurodivergent person?
the night train!
Spicy frisbee