mittens [he/him]

  • 1 Post
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: July 30th, 2020


  • i bought the thing because the cans look kinda cool tbh, not even the tea shit, the sparkling water which is virtually indistinguishable from any other sparkling water brand except 3x more expensive. it’s rare that i come across liquid death on the shelves anyway so it’s not like something i’m going to keep buying. it’s just a novelty item mostly.

  • yeah they noticed there wasn’t a significant difference between zoomers and millenials, which why would it exist, they’re on average a decade apart, it really isn’t a huge unsurmountable gap. spongebob has been on the air for far longer than this, so we mostly consumed the same cultural artifacts during our formative years. i’m not as cynic as to say it is completely useless, but the gaps between generations are arbitrarily short and thus they become meaningless

  • it’s horrible and bitter so only hipsters drink it (argentinians drink it too but it’s some sort of masochistic national symbol) and it’s a special brand of unauthentic if you buy it canned. actually i’m just guessing i have no idea what sort of stereotype these obscure wojaks are making fun of and tbh as a society we shouldn’t be making more of them.

  • i mean while capitalism is certainly horrifying, you can understand its methods and material constraints and even study them and write a whole 3 tome book about how it instrumentalizes life itself. cosmic horror has a sublime trait to it, it’s not just that the universe is cruel, is that its reasons why it subjects terror onto you are just beyond your grasp, and so you imagine that maybe there’s even more unfathomable cruelty on its ways that you haven’t been subjected to yet. in lacanian terms, it’s an otherness so radical it resists symbolization, in a way capitalism just does not. only someone as racist as lovecraft, so neurotically terrified of the abstract otherness of foreign people could’ve authored this cthulhu crap lol. i think our lives are just becoming very secular and cynical. maybe materialism has really taken over everything, even over the hapless mystics who have turned spirituality into a commodity, and we can wonder no more. in itself a horror, yes.