Losing the people you love in very different ways.
Losing the people you love in very different ways.
Sure, men are getting killed. But they are not getting killed because of their gender, while women on the other hand are often killed exactly because they are women.
So, a woman going out alone in the dark is always at risk of being raped, killed or violated in other ways.
From his imagination.
Ich drücke taktisch. Bei hoher Wartezeit drücke ich beide Richtungen und riskiere vielleicht eine Fehlfahrt, kann aber auch eine schnelle Fahrt gewinnen, wenn niemand in diese Richtung will.
Viel wichtiger wäre es, Fehlbuchungen rückgängig machen zu können.
Take a look at Stoicism. It might help you with your anger.
Hetzner Storage Box.
Sure, but I don’t have anything to offer.
Und dann nicht einmal in der Hamburg Gruppe.
Komm in die Gruppe!
With really long nails on your toes.
FLOSS? FLee and Open Source?
Well, Cloudflare.
Total erratisch, je nach Morgenlaune.
It’s yours.
What makes you think that there’ll be a report in March or April?