C’est plus que juste la France, Et c’est vraiment super pratique comme application, comme d’habitude il vaut mieux connaitre un peu la balise pour savoir à quel oint on peut lui faire confiance
C’est plus que juste la France, Et c’est vraiment super pratique comme application, comme d’habitude il vaut mieux connaitre un peu la balise pour savoir à quel oint on peut lui faire confiance
Wilkommen hier,
Je me suis pris un ban de reddit le mois derniers, sans raison (Parler de Lemmy ?, ne pas avoir mis de adresse e-mail ? ) donc pour l ínstant je suis full time Lemmy, faut que je trouve une idée de pseudo-cool, passe sur un autre PC/OS pour recréer un compte et farme un peu de karma on verra le mois prochain.
Si tu es plus reddit que twitter, tu seras mieux ici que sur Masto.
on va pas se mentir, c’est beaucoup plus petit, et tu as pas le fil sans fin qui se re-remplit plus vite que tu peux le lire. Par contre tu as un forum libre avec des têtes connues (comme sur le reddit d’avant, les meet-up en moins)
Quelques commus, en général sans politique que je suis
!jeux_de_role@jlai.lu (mais bon celle là est quasi pas active)
et pleins de contenu politique selon où tu vas.
Sinon je te conseille d’essayer soit https://alexandrite.app/jlai.lu/ soit p.jlai.lu pour avoir une UI utilisable sur desktop
Je viens de recevoir un message comme moi mes coordonnées pros sont dans une fuite de donnée d’un fournisseur.
Mon seul échange avec ce fournisseur (officiel de chez nous), c’est de l’avoir vu 15 minutes un technico-commercial à un salon, pour savoir si il avait un truc à son catalogue pour un de mes projets et échangé une carte de visite.
D’ailleurs est-ce que coté GDPR, un echange de carte de visite vaut une acceptation de finir dans le CRM ?
This is the worst part (for US), it tooks them decades to build a solid and trusted relationship with the western world, and within 3 month, all of that is gone.
It’s not Canada or Denmark which will suffer the most from-it, but US themselves
J’ai beaucoup utilisé rolisteam avant la sortie de roll-20.
Un point qui rebute beaucoup de jeunes, c’est de devoir ouvrir des ports sur sa *whatever-*box, pour faire serveur, rien de bien sorcier pour la génération qui a fait des lan party dans les années 2000 (Mais ces gens là sont plus proche de la retraite que du lycée #teamvieux) , mais une autre histoire pour les jeunes de 2025 qui ont appris la technologie avec TikTok
Il ya toutes les fonctions de bases pour un VTT, jets de dés, chat, y compris privés, chargement de carte, token, et même un gestionnaire de fiches de perso (*J’ai pas utilisés, un pdf c’est très bien aussi) et de musique d’ambiance (pas utilisé non plus, c’est plus simple de configurer un bot Discord/Teamspeak pour passer la musique
Il y a pas de gestionnaires de systèmes, à l’époque, le truc qui faisaient ça c’était maptool et c’était incroyablement lourd. Après, ce genre d’outil, c’est à double tranchant, c’est cool tu clique pour faire un jet de seduction, mais très vite, tu as des joeur·euse·s qui n’ont plus la moindre idée de comment fonctionne la mécanique de jeu, ce qui dans un jeu avec des règles un peu lourdes (sinon t’aurais pas besoin de gerer ton système dans le VTT) en tue l’interet.
Voilà, j’éspère que ces 2c aideront
Kinda weird anyone’s worried I’ve seen sims of eurofighters vs Su-57 felons and the eurofighters beat Russias newest stealth fighter with even numbers.
Can you elaborate one what kind of simulation you’ve seen ? I wouldn’t count on streamer playing DCS as an accurate intelligence source. And I wouldn’t assume that when Russia send patrol close to the border of NATO (or NATO does-it close to Russia) they don’t use 100% of their plane abilities, as soon as you turned on that top-secret radar jammer or have used your vectorial thrust in their full extent you can expect other nation to build counter-measures.
Also, even assuming it’s worse than Rafale/Eurofighter, it’s way above Insurgent who mounted a machine gun over a toyota pick-up that western armies are used to fight against. We’re in a political movement where western European public opinion aren’t accepting much soldier coming home in a pinewood box. While it’s a a handful of soldiers per year, mostly special forces, it doesn’t drag too much media attention nor political reaction. But simply shooting a truck convoy or ammunition warehouse, and killing a dozen of 20 years old kids who joined the army to learn a trade and not to see actual combat (Spoiler alert, if you join the army, even as a cook or an accountant, you sign a contract where you accept to die in combat) I can see a huge political shitstorm coming, especially considering the weight of pro-Russian politicians in western Europe (Ms Le Pen, We see you)
Do you have a source for that ? Wasn’t it mostly a large army but with obsolete equipment ? Let alone the whole nuke that France and UK do have
Considering à your user name, I was expecting way worse
These data allows
IANAL but I really doubt you can’t patent a game mechanic. Have you noticed the amount of “D&D clone” which aren’t SRD version but do use D20, classes, and level rather than original game mechanics?
You can’t come with an infinity of games mechanics and even assuming it’s legal to patent (I doubt-it) there is tons of previous art which would make the patent invalid. Even a very inovative game like Blade in the Dark re-use tons of concept from other games like reputation score, partial success, dice pools or clocks
On the other thread, I was talking about Small note passing between GM and PC, and let me tell you the way it lead to TPK.
Context, horror one-shot, occurring in space-ship, with PC agreeing on PvP option (As they said It’s a one shot anyway, let’s have fun). I started to introduce some hallucination, at the beginning it was just stuff like not consistent between what they see and what the clue says, but quickly, I started to give inconsistent information to the PC through small notes, letting the Paranoia grew until they were sure there was a traitor amont them. Now imagine, the PC lost in space, inside a haunted space-ship starting to fight each other.
Obviously it finished by a TPK, which for an horror oneshot is a great result
#SUTOM #1176 3/6
Par contre pour la géographie c’est une autre histoire aujourd’hui, le set est assez dur
Aujourd’hui j’ai fait 11365 – Moyenne 568 à Accuracity Europe ! – https://accura.city/
Top 3 : Paris (4km), Montpellier (39km), Birmingham (102km)
Flop 3 : Odense (1039km), Šiauliai (1134km), Voronezh (1261km)
Notepad++ Ça existe plus ?
How does it work? Do you have written briefing for every NPC? What about PC having secrets and agenda? I used NPC for guest players (You have to escorts an annoying merchant/prince•ss but they’llbe played by Billy•ie)
Si ça n’avait pas des conséquences sur de vraies gens j’en rigolerait. On peut plus aire de commerce avec les US car droit de douanes, évidemment qu’on va se rapprocher du Canada
Il m’a manqué un essais pour le sutom
Brouillons Et en plus je savais pour le a
donc voici le accuracity du jours, Barysaw m’a mis dans le caca
Aujourd’hui j’ai fait 7528 – Moyenne 376 à Accuracity Europe ! – https://accura.city/
Top 3 : Bordeaux (13km), Basel (15km), Irákleion (29km)
Flop 3 : Bydgoszcz (463km), Voronezh (1226km), Barysaw (2311km)
Avec Tesserac/Photon (Le front end en p)
As often in RPG, Which game do you play, what did you agree in session zero regarding the level of secrecy and the level of PvP. The answer is very different in a Vampire the Mascarade with an agreement on lethal PvP than on D&D full cooperative game
is there anything interesting happening while the party is split ? A shopping trip, especially for common items and with no pressure can be managed by the player without any GM intervention. On the other hand, having a PC telling the Prince about another PC behaviour requires some privacy.
Here are some stuff I use, depending on the game/context
Small paper notes given directly to a PC (or given to the GM when being a PC) pretty great, especially when when PC have their SAN drifting low and you want to give different informations to everyone
Limit the one by one time, like once, 10 minutes per session because if each players takes 30 minutes alone, sometimes twice, you end-up having PC playing 2 hours over a 6h sesssion, it sucks for everyone.
Same technique as before, but keep everyone at the table, so players are aware of what’s happening it also help saving time, in narrating what happened.
Then for the non active player, I tend to the rule-book on the PC side of the table, so they can use this time to review their abilities no matter whether we talk about PBTA like moves, D&D like spells or Cyberpunk-like gear. It’s also the moment where they can take a small break to grab a coffee/snack or go to the restroom
In theory, they’re supposed to have custom-made secure phone with built-in cryptography, a famous example would be modern Police walkie-talkie which practically speaking are using a protocol closer from (legacy) mobile phone than from radio.
The problem is that it’s 2025 and not 1995 anymore. When it was about A mobile device which can carry voice and short text message A custom device would be a bit more bulky and expensive. But today, when smartphone are mini-computer with tons of cool feature, and that people are used to have group-chat, touch screen, visual call. Sudently a custom-device feels like back in 2005. And here is the problem, most high level politicians aren’t cryptography nerd or Military/Intelligence officer understanding how to be discrete, they’re marketing and communication people who love these fancy UI, and need to show off.
This was indeed one of the idea and had w some PC understood it, except that there was no actual traitor just a mind manipulating monsters. So PC having different information (Hallucinations) and knowing a traitor may be among them was enough…
But great session and everyone enjoyed it