Stoneykins [any]

  • 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 14th, 2023


  • I hate how they are trying so hard to make trump out to be the “default” win that can only be stopped by active votes for biden, obviously there is worse shit going on but this “strategy” they are all collectively doing to try and guilt people into voting biden is making me lose it. They’ve been hammering it home so hard and completely twisted their perspective they no longer see any moral ground anywhere that isn’t simping for biden. And they have obviously worked themselves up like this so they can place blame at the feet of anyone but biden if trump wins. The shitstorm of rage directed ENTIRELY at third partys and non voters if trump wins is going to be ridiculous, as though there wasn’t 50% of americans that directly plan on voting for the fucker.

    Voting third party is not support for trump in any way

    Not voting is not support for trump in any way.

    Voting for someone who doesn’t win is not a “wasted” vote

    No voting strategy, including reacting to the spoiler effect, implies a moral choice.

    If a vote is a choice no one is obligated to vote at all, no matter how mad that makes libs

    I just need to keep repeating that stuff to myself for my sanity…