Idk about switch specifically but it is incredibly well loved on pc with tens of thousands of positive reviews on steam
I post things on the Internet
Idk about switch specifically but it is incredibly well loved on pc with tens of thousands of positive reviews on steam
Been halfassing Yakuza 3. Really I probably could have plowed through already but ehhh
Spiderwick Chronicles is fairly good for that age range.
Fights in Tight Spaces scratches the tactics card game itch rather well
Anti-clumping agents are generally put in pre-shredded cheeses, but you can get bags of shredded “melting cheeses” that don’t have them though. In my experience that’s only a supermercado kinda thing. That said your “good” pre-shredded could also be in that category.
The benzo addiction and russian coma were definitely things that happened. The brain damage is inferred with the whole “He had to re-learn how to walk and button his clothes”
Tldr kinda
He got addicted to benzos and had himself put in a coma in russia to cold turkey it (against advice to ween off it from doctors in north america). Shit got fucky and he got brain damage from it.
Couple levels of lols there since he did papers on drug addiction in the past and his schtick is not looking for easy answers… but thats the one he took.
Might take a look at Temtem and Cassette Beasts to get that Pokemon fix.
The Creeper World series, or Kingdom Rush for tower defense a la Bloons… possibly Mindustry or Factorio as well. Start with Mindustry and if it does it for her then you can grab Factorio as well.
She might also vibe with roguelikes considering she liked Vampire Survivors so Enter the Gungeon, Binding of Isaac, Realm of the Mad God, Slay the Spire, or 20xx/30xx might be up her alley as well.
I was on The Perfect Tower 2 for a while until my 8th ascension introduced a different grind and I lost interest.
I’ve been on Farmers Against Poatatoes Idle and its mindless enough that I can more or less passively play with just one daily check in.