• 3 Posts
Joined 3 months ago
Cake day: June 25th, 2024


  • I genuinely hate what VR has become. They’re signing this tech’s death warranty and they should know that. After over a decade we’ve just about plateaued in terms of developing objectively better headsets, and fucked any chance of having a PCVR/peripheral headset that actually looks good, has good tracking, and works universally with whatever the fuck you want too hook up to it without being $1500 or more.

    Not to mention locomotion hasn’t made any real progress and we’ve actually scrapped a lot of promising looking haptics tech that could have been a standard feature of VR controllers. We’ve also lost any hope of 3rd party controller support.

    We’re cooked, and I don’t see this going anywhere good. Keep what you have for novelty’s sake and future ‘collector’s’ value, but don’t bother looking forward to a future of VR or AR beyond gimmicky shit like google glasses and whatever the fuck Cuckerberg is doing.

  • It’s not a lack of software that killed it, it’s the lack of ability to use any meaningful library of software due to proprietary restraints, as always. I don’t know when everyone made the switch from VR as a peripheral to strictly proprietary, “stand-alone” (and die alone) headsets, but it’s literally killing VR as a whole.

    Don’t get me wrong, the current strict PCVR companies aren’t any better. They see what’s happening and are doubling down on the massive cost hike despite looking shittier and technically having less features than SA headsets. That being said, they work INFINITELY smoother with PC apps and game and movies, in addition to higher quality tracking systems and third-party hardware support. This alone should put them ahead by a long-shot, but being an unaffordable hobby niche doesn’t help when large corpos can churn out headsets full of “stand-alone” bloat at a loss just to devour the majority of the VR market and lock people into hopeless, proprietary hellscapes.

  • Completely disagree with you here, and you really didn’t explain any of it. In what way does the apple face-book-mac whatever the fuck do things “way nicer” than any other headset? I get that the resolution is objectively higher than the mid-to-low end sets, but a complete lack of actual features negates that. Does the UI just have super silky animations? Transparent icons? A really sexy audio cue when you boot it up? All of this is fluff to make people feel like they made a good purchase decision.

    I’m almost certain that you’ve been using this little “polish” phrase for years to justify being an Apple stan without thinking about it. You see literally any other option as the intimidating, lifted-truck meany that doesn’t appreciate that mirror shine on the back of your phone.

    And yeah, most people are fresh-out of innovation. That’s besides the point, and you know it. Apple is included on that lineup, and they’re furious that someone else came up with VR and they somehow let the market create a variety of products before they could reliably gimmick the fuck out of it like they always do. Your turtle-neck fruit daddy died a long time ago, no one has any business considering Apple a respectable company anymore.

  • Which is exactly my point. They cater to people who want the shiniest ‘new’ thing with a sense of faux class to it, and will strip some pretty fucking bare-bones features in place of “polish”. Such a stupid, meaningless word to excuse a complete and utter lack of anything of substance.

    90% of the apps and games that got people interested in VR aren’t even compatible, and you KNOW they never will be. What the fuck else are you gonna do with this $3500 toy? Read emails and watch full-priced movies on iTunes? BUT MAN IT’S LIKE TOUCH SCREEN, BUT EVERYWHERE AND IN REAL LIFE! There’s nothing here. ‘Polish’ isn’t a real thing. It’s a cherry-on-top adjective for something that already has inherent value, it isn’t something of real value in its self.

    Sorry man, I gotta go off on this ‘compelling and polished’ thing. Apple does maybe one “compelling” thing per decade, but even that seems like a thing of the past now. They’ve been riding the one-trick-pony that is the touch-screen smartphone for fucking ever now, and as amazing as people think it is to have a powerful computer in the palm of your hand, it’s contributed shockingly little beyond making the cell phone A. societally mandatory for everyone, and B. MASSIVELY expensive compared to what could have been.

    Now sure, it’s slightly more convenient to pay for parking and complete rudimentary “productivity” tasks that you might need your laptop for, but that can be accomplished with much less. About the most “compelling” thing this technology has contributed to the world is the ability to endlessly doomscroll through funny little pictures and videos, with some REALLY sub-par and barely-tolerable games to make your city transit commute feel almost bearable. No, it’s not going to get any better, they’ve had WAY too long. It’s not going to happen now.