Does this also Reliable Source him being tpo?
Does this also Reliable Source him being tpo?
Minor nitpick why did he pick dam as an example, which sometimes have ‘leaks’ for power generation/water regulation reasons. And not dikes which do not have those things?
E: non serious (or even less serious) amusing nitpick, this is only the 2% where it got caught. What about the % where GPT realized that it was being tested and decided not to act in the experimental conditions? What if Skynet is already here?
It’s going down wrote an article on Doge, Trump and the NRx.
Ah just what we need, while the people who don’t understand soft power are busy reducing an empire to a kingdom (before ‘gotcha’ people come in here, please don’t confuse the leftwing demands that the US stops doing evil things with the US should stop doing things, I actually do not like tuberculosis), growth hack mindset people are killing the goose because golden eggs.
Someone did some math (an actual paper iirc) on stablecoins, they actually had a mathematical stable value to which it would return, which was around the pegged value. Only one problem, this wasnt the only stable value, as they had 2. The other stable value was 0. Hmm black swans
The big grift atm isnt the money laundering (which exists, and is known and the 3 letter agencies used to be active in tracking it down). The grift now is dumping us gov dollars into crypto directly and removing all barriers to money laundering and scamming of the public.
Next step is to do it without employees and datacenters. We will contact Turing (for the lesswrong fans, we will contact Von Neumann) via a seance (for a reasonable fee of course).
Wonder if one of the problems ks Ai scrapers written by people who use llms to code.
Thanks, should have checked if it was readable to the rest of the world. That is what I get for beign lazy and not typing out a full post.
Friend of the sub Scott doing more supporting of rightwing extremists. Remember when we cried wolf? Good times.
Depends on what you mean with ‘currency’.
E: Prob still is ‘no’ in all cases except ‘I keep a rare coin collection for speculation purposes’. Saw that the local places which used to accept bitcoin no longer do so.
What could six cows cost? one egg?
No good and important rant. Another rant we could have, “leftwingers/progressives stop using substack please”.
You think it was supposed to make you feel better?
But yes, ow god yes. I’m staring at the USA going ‘wtf’.
You know how we feel despair when our subjects du sneer break containment? We have hit the big leagues now seems the Democrats are now aware of NRx. Non zero chance our sneerings get read by AOC.
Well it is either what he does, or admitting your lifes work was for nothing and all the bad secondary things your subculture did, but which were brushed under the rug because “saving the future human race”, were totally unnecessary and bad.
E: also when is this recursive self improvement supposed to start? As we have the ai now, y u no singularity? Could the 'it can just easily (for a certain def of easy) and unnoticed do a runaway self improvement be false?
Now im wondering how long it will take for people to claim Trump is Satoshi.
E: ah googled it T:-1
Brb, splitting my sperm into the Wordcel half vs the Shape Rotator half.