I sunk 300 hours in rising storm 2 vietnam, I did love that game for a while but alas I found it still suffered the same woes of more traditional fps games: sweaty nerds, casual racism and insufferable rat playstyles designed to snuff out fun and maximise score.
I was legit glad to uninstall that game because it got absolutely insufferable to play for me after a while.
Idk but i do know that killer mike did, lol
What the fuck happened to this guy. Honestly. Is he another one of those black capitalism losers?
Leaving a comment to commemorate this fateful day
Thats like half of the us pentagon’s budget too lol, but tell me again why the us cant curb its emissions?
Even better, the coal those plants burn contains trace amounts of uranium, and when burned in large quantities those trace amounts turn into significant quantities of radioactive fucking dust. Germans are fucking stupid.
You mean the green left that decided they’d rather breathe radioactive coal dust than deal with nuclear power and its very limited risks? The green left that consistently shits on the poor and AES countries? The green left that has the political education of a fucking middle schooler? That green left? Yeah, right.
It’s socialist conservative nationalism with labor militancy
Wha- uh??
Oh good behaving like a normal human being is back in style now, awesome
It is. It is that bad. I have never had to suffer such inane ramblings before i stumbled on that shithole years ago.
Some art student in a city not far from mine got his resident visa cancelled after tagging some palestine slogans on walls, hes getting deported for some fucking harmless taggs, meanwhile dudes frothing at the mouth about “wokism” and “cultural marxism” (yeah thats still a thing here) are routinely invited by news stations to spew their shit. But yeah wokism is the threat to free speech i guess fam
Palestinian bourgeoisie
There is such a thing?
What the fuck did I just watch. I mean this is literally a scene in Full Metal Jacket
Damn saw one in my shitter too this morning when i took a dump, troubled times ahead surely…
Ach oeur mazter plan is feinally vorking!!
My sides