• 11 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 27th, 2023


  • I haven’t used them in Spark directly but here’s how they are used for computing sparse joins in a similar data processing framework:

    Let’s say you want to join some data “tables” A and B. When B has many more unique keys than are present in A, computing “A inner join B” would require lots of shuffling if B, including those extra keys.

    Knowing this, you can add a step before the join to compute a bloom filter of the keys in A, then apply the filter to B. Now the join from A to B-filtered only considers relevant keys from B, hopefully now with much less total computation than the original join.

  • I am learning Python, R, and SQL

    SQL is an excellent skill to invest in. Even though your current role doesn’t allow you to use it, there’s no substitute when pulling data from a relational db.

    It sounds like you’re currently focused on data quality. Automatic data quality checks are common features of (good) data workflows so this could be spun as relevant experience if you end up seeking a role writing data transformation code.

  • the author is more interested in how humanity as a whole would react to his fictional scenario than he is with writing characters with depth

    This was my impression as well and I think it works only because the fictional scenarios are extremely creative along with sometimes gratuitous science-fiction details from the author’s imagination. And even though most characters seemed unrealistic as people I still liked them as characters and found them memorable.

    I also read (listened to) Voyagers by Ben Bova recently and while the fictional scenario was interesting, the character development leaned heavily on the relationship between the hero scientist and the promiscuous young scientist, a writing style which I found more boring.

  • Focusing on code coverage (which doesn’t distinguish between more and less important parts of the code) seems like the opposite of your very good (IMO) recommendation in another comment to focus on specific high-value use-cases.

    From my experience it’s far easier to sell the need for specific tests if they are framed as “we need assurances that this component does not fail under conceivable usecases” and specially as “we were screwed by this bug and we need to be absolutely sure we don’t experience it ever again.”

    Code coverage is an OK metric and I agree with tracking it, but I wouldn’t recommend making it a target. It might force developers to write tests, but it probably won’t convince them. And as a developer I hate feeling “forced” and prefer if at all possible to use consensus to decide on team practices.

  • We can’t test yet, we’re going to make changes soon

    This could be a good opportunity to introduce the concept of test-driven development (TDD) without the necessity to “write tests first”. But I think it can help illustrate why having tests is better when you are expecting to make changes because of the safety they provide.

    “When we make those changes, wouldn’t it be great to have more confidence that the business logic didn’t break when adding a new technical capability?”

    You shouldn’t have to refactor to test something

    This seems like a reasonable statement and I sort of agree, in the sense that for existing production code, making a code change which only adds new tests yet also requires refactoring of existing functionality might feel a bit risky. As other commenters mentioned, starting with writing tests for new features or fixes might help prevent folks feeling like they are refactoring to test. Instead they’re refactoring and developing for the feature and the tests feel like they contribute to that feature as well.

  • I agree with how you characterized it and the term “ai engineer” didn’t resonate with me as defined by the author. If such an engineer doesn’t need to know about the data involved (“nor do they know the difference between a Data Lake or Data Warehouse”) then I don’t think they will be able to ship an AI/ML product based on data.

    New titles can be helpful for sorting out different roles with some shared skillsets such as the distinction which emerged between Data Scientist and ML Engineer at some companies to focus the latter on shipping production software using ML.