Here it is:
Here it is:
The users seem cool enough and most posts I see from them are good additions to my feed.
I believe this was edited to be NDT and that this was the original thread:
New York City, Los Angeles, Chicago, San Francisco, San Diego, Seattle, Washington D.C., …
I believe the original reason was that there were people downvoting trans positive content, and this let people be transphobic anonymously. (Conversely, transphobic content can easily be removed by moderators.)
And let’s be honest, despite what reddit people might say, people don’t only downvote bad faith content, they use the downvote as a “disagree” button.
In addition to what @hauntingspectre already said, the way to go about it is to just continuously assert that you are not convinced that the guy is guilty. No matter how the rest of the jury tries to convince you, just keep asserting that you have a feeling that the defendant is innocent. Either they go along with you and the defendant goes free or the jury hangs.
I don’t think this is true, depending on the task they can be extremely hard to spot. You especially don’t want to accuse a student of cheating using AI without very concrete evidence.