Pisha [she/her, they/them]

  • 3 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: December 23rd, 2020


  • I believe character descriptions became a big thing in the time of physiognomy – when Balzac narrates someone’s physical appearance, he wants you to extrapolate the character’s personality from that. Physiognomy fell out of fashion and if there is no other motivation to provide a description, like signalling someone’s class position or injecting a bit of lyricism, it’s simply economical to leave it out. To provide a counter-example, Mary Gaitskill always writes exactly one paragraph of description in her short stories which you can just skip because it’s not properly integrated into the story as a whole.

  • I just got Dragon Age: Inquisition and to be honest, it’s been rather frustrating so far. The controls/camera and interface are obviously made for a gamepad and the whole MMO vibe – endless fetch quests in wide, empty spaces; rogue and wizard are the classes that do damage while warriors are supposed to take the heat – is bothering me. And common equipment at level 7 being infinitely better than rare items at level 5 is just depressing. Still, I’m hoping that the story and characters pick up soon.