
removedataire(, 10 ans et 3 mois), principal coupable(, yay).
Lemmygrad is an echo chamber, and lemm.ee lags

  • 5 Posts
Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: April 5th, 2022


  • There’s so many arguments explaining why they were the one responsible for this wall

    And everyone in 1989 talked about the lack of bananas in the eastern part without realising that the western sanctions were responsible for this absence. People aren’t naturally ignorant
    And they grew grew at the same rate rate despite socialism never working(, both sides were helped, but one of them was under sanctions and without any neocolonial help, a higher military burden, etc.)

    Not forgetting that eastern germans(, who saw their shared properties stolen by western capitalists b.t.w.,) are still unapologetically voting left ever since

    I’ve learned in highscool that Stalin was disfigured by some kind of disease but modified the photographs, that was a western lie still taught more than half a century after his death, i’ve also been taught that if someone stopped clapping first they were at a high risk of being deported, which was why rounds of applause could last a long time, i was naive enough not to have doubts. I didn’t know that we were the most propagandised population in the world back then, something that most readers would disagree with(, if you cite north korea it’ll even more point out (y)our ignorance&propagandization).

    If you (dis)agree, then just ask yourself what’s contained in the medias of our proclaimed enemies(, Venezuela, Bolivia, Nicaragua, Cuba, and any leftist south american, Zimbabwe, ~Burundi, ~‘Central African Republic’, ~Congo, ~Somalia, Sudan, and so many more african countries, Libya, Syria, Iraq, Iran, Palestine, and even Lebanon because of the Hezbollah, Afghanistan, Russia, China, North Korea, Belarus, Serbia, and too many others that i’ve ignored, if i’m taking the last 100 years then we’ve oppressed every single country at one point or another, including Ukraine when it elected pro-russian leaders. Read them and you’ll understand that we’re at the very least as propagandised as they are(, if not more, like i suppose, because they know our dominant point of view, cited in their articles, while we totally ignore theirs).

  • Yet we won’t hear about people like Ousmane Sonko and so many more, including in Ukraine, just today Saïd Boukioud was condemned to 5 years of jail in Morocco, and Julian Assange has been persecuted for more than a decade for wanting to keep us accountable/transparent(, as well as at least dozens of whistleblowers). Piotr Pavlenski was celebrated by french medias when he denounced the russian “regime”, but condemned by the same medias when he did the same things in France. We simply wouldn’t hear&support A.Navalny if Russia was our ally, thats all.
    Just in(, an hour ago) : Imran Khan has been condemned to three years of jail ! Will you complain ?
    And Juan Branco.

    A country authorizing opponents/diversity outside&inside its borders is undoubtedly better than a country forbidding them inside&outside. It’s harder to compare between a country forbidding diversity outside its borders and another forbidding it only on its territory.
    A real union in diversity would cancel any possible international insecurity of a given country, but not directly its potential royalist/authoritarian tendencies since it’d allow their difference(, however, their inhabitants don’t need to be saved by ©overt operations, because the proximity of free people will elicit a desire of change in their own country, as long as this country doesn’t protect itself from our proximity like we protected ourselves from socialist examples ; being united means being informed of the other ways of living, and desiring what we lack, it also means ‘working for our species instead of our nations’/‘loving/helping other countries as much as we love/help our own inhabitants’).