Philosophosphorous [comrade/them, he/him]

  • 1 Post
Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: May 31st, 2024


  • China was inventing paper, printing press, gunpowder, public exam system for government officials, straps that go across horse’s chest instead of their neck so you can attach a plow without choking them (europe would literally never figure this out until cars were invented), systematized formal philosophy, etc. while Europe was fucking sheep and living in mud and grass huts and dumping their shit into the street and ransacking more civilized people like the romans and ottomans. europeans are so warlike and barbaric they could not even stop from pillaging and enslaving each other in viking raids. Europe was a primitive literally shit covered backwater until the industrial revolution made textile production less lucrative for the ottomans. the first european king charlemagne was an illiterate warlord who could not even spell his own name. europeans literally did not believe in washing their hands, that was ‘moorish heathenry’ not for christians. european royalty would use dogs to lick their hands after meals, peasants would simply go filthy. europeans would wear flowers to cover the smell of shit and sweat and piss. europeans thought of chastity as a virtue, and in some communities in europe it was considered improper for a woman to ever bathe, to preserve her ‘chastity’ and ensure she was never sexually attractive to men. european vikings would wash their face and blow their nose in the morning, in/into a single tub of water, passed around one after the other, in order of seniority, without changing the water, much to the chagrin of Islamic travellers chronicling their disgusting hygiene. europeans did not have divorce, in many cases of legal marital dispute the man and woman were forced into marital duels with both stitched into leather suits (bearing a cross so you know its holy) and the man waist-deep in a pit with a club, the woman free to move and armed with a stone wrapped in her wedding veil (see below).

    this family member is nothing short of an ignorant racist fool, a history channel watcher who, via dunning-kruger, thinks they are well informed and educated on history.

  • theres basically no wrong way to do it, what worked for me personally for my goals was using the Corpse Pose from yoga on a hardwood floor. it can take a few minutes to ‘finalize’ your position, make sure you are truly comfortable enough to remain motionless. then i would focus on simply perceiving my surroundings, all of the sensory input coming into my mind, constructing a kind of mental map of the surrounding world. i’ve done it with eyes open and closed, with eyes open i get a kind of pulsating television static overlay on my vision and a weird mental state good for existential pondering, with eyes closed i can let my eyes do what they want as they for some reason tend to kind of ‘roll back into my head’ (point upwards to the edge of my eye socket and kind of twitch), which for me can produce either generic pulsating blob phsophene-like visuals, or in rare cases detailed pseudo-hallucinatory experiences (visuals in the ‘minds eye’, not in actual sight)

  • Russia: uses (a single group of) nazi mercenaries as cannon fodder during the most brutal urban warfare of the conflict, many die, gov. hesitates to resupply, and the nazi merc leader ‘mysteriously’ explodes on a plane

    libs: RUZZIAN ORCS = NAZIS (except the real nazis were Good Actually for exterminating the RUZZIAN ORC UNTERMENSCHEN)

    Ukraine: integrates numerous and diverse nazi militias/terrorist groups into military, uses nazi militias as blocking units to prevent conscripts from retreating, nazi political parties have at least 15% of parliament, nazi militia leadership ignores ceasefires with no gov. repurcussion, nazi fighters reserved for less dangerous areas while conscripts sent to the meatgrinder

    libs: nazis in ukraine is RUZZIAN DISINFORMATSKIYA, smol bean ukraine is just joking lol i promise! its ironic! and even if they aren’t they are still better than teh RUZZIAN ORC UNTERMENSCHEN WHO WE MUST EXTERMINATE!

  • i would imagine its 5.56, which is .223, which is still quite small for anything like a heavy machinegun which is the closest role something like this would fit. airplanes (like the AC-10 warthog for example) often have 30mm rotary cannons mounted in the fuselage, the 30mm shells fired from the full sized cannon at high rates of fire can take out tanks. in fact this drone gun looks even smaller than the M134 ‘minigun’ you see mounted on the sides of helicopters for ‘door gunners’ or in the movie Predator, which uses 7.62x51mm NATO ammo, full sized bullets closer to a hunting rifle bullet than an assault rifle’s intermediate cartridge. 7.62 is often used by western armies for HMGs and other larger-than-an-assault-rifle weapons like snipers, DMRs, etc. Even in the movie Predator, with a minigun modified to be carried, the actor could not carry the battery the gun requires to operate (which was wired up his pants leg) and even with an artificially reduced rate of fire (from 6,000 RPM to 1,250 RPM) the enormous backpack could only hold 4-5 seconds of ammunition supply.

    maybe its something like the XM214 Microgun? which requires a team of 2 to carry and operate like a heavy machine gun (usually mounted on a tripod or vehicle)

    and yea the recoil would almost certainly tip this go-kart over, especially with the gun mounted that high up. maybe if it had like ground spikes to stabilize itself it wouldn’t?

  • Taoism has criticisms of ‘great man theory’ type thinking but also kinda falls into a kind of ‘peasant tailism’ laissez-faire-but-for-illiterate-peasant-farmers attitude. directly addresses how many problems are socially constructed, such as the ‘lock creates the thief’ idea where the guy locking up a hoard of treasure is the one creating the conditions for the crime to arise rather than the criminal being individually responsible for summoning evil into the world or something. probably more compatible with anarchism than democratic centralist conceptions of communism but i’ve only read like one book about it, theres kind of a current of ‘don’t rock the boat or interfere in things unnecessarily with proactive rulership’ attitude.