Pentacat [he/him]

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Joined 5 months ago
Cake day: April 14th, 2024


  • Morals are advanced.

    According to one of my favorite psychological models, Timothy Leary’s 8-circuit-brain, the first circuit is survival, the second circuit is emotional, the third circuit is intellectual, and the fourth circuit is moral.

    People get stuck in certain circuits and are easily exploited due to their stuckness. For example, Red MAGA is stuck in the emotional circuit, which is why appeals to their fears and “patriotism” work so well. Blue MAGA is stuck in the intellectual circuit, which is why they want to feel smarter than everyone else, even at the expense of having values.

    By the time you have a moral code, you’re way beyond the comprehension of at least half of American adults.

  • I am a huge fan. One day a long time ago I was accidentally driving through Texas on my way to somewhere better and I stopped at a Dairy Queen to get some pancakes, which they had for some reason. This song played in the restaurant, which surprised the hell out of me.

    My favorite song by them is probably “For Phoebe Still a Baby” or “A Kissed Out Red Floatboat,” though I love most Cocteau Twins songs, tbh.