Nagarjuna [he/him]

We have a duty to fight for our freedom. We have a duty to win.

  • 23 Posts
Joined il y a 4 ans
Cake day: 8 août 2020


  • So, when you see these kinds of articles, they’re usually the result of some really savvy organizing.

    Union staff will develop relationships with reporters, and then when they need a story like this, they’ll media train a few workers or consumers, put together a fact sheet so that a reporter can pump out an article quickly, and then turn this over to a journalist who turns it into an article rather than do their own research.

    It’s a way of leveraging journalists’ position as workers with quotas and limited time.

    The reason unions go after companies like Starbucks or REI is because of their progressive image. They tend to attract union-friendly employees, and have a brand that’s very vulnerable to these kinds of media attacks. When they do what every single company does and union bust, it ends up biting them in the ass. I