
  • 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 24th, 2023

  • Maybe APL could be better at any rate I believe organizations at least in the west retroceded rapidly since the fall of the Berlin wall, the loss of the USSR, for a bunch of reasons contributed (directly and indirectly) the structure of Marxists organizations to un-radicalize. The best example in recent memory of Marxist organization on the US is in my opinion the black panthers, particularly in Fred Hampton’s time. We should go into that direction, do collective action towards empoverished populations. Work with them for them, take Marxism out of the college grounds and into the back allays where nobody else looks to. Of course that isn’t easy, and especially doing it right and respectfully, but it’s the only way, without going towards the masses it’s just spinning wheels in vain, it goes not very far, refining the theory is helpful but we got to the point that it’s all many organizations do and often in the wrong direction. So I don’t know how to move things to the right direction but hopefully I kinda painted a picture of where said direction is, now the hard part is to get there.

  • In a round about way he is not far off, one of the problems of current communist organizations is not doing enough work with the population directly not building a strong base with the opressed (not building the metaphorical Gulag [of course that the Gulag is no cornerstone of our movement or a good representation of it but I believe it was ment as something of the sort by the guy]), and that gap might be justified by the lack of something akin to work ethic. Dunno just a crazy thought

  • People are not braindead that is a dangerous way of thinking about it it’s just that the propaganda machine of the enemy is really effective, we should not elect the people as our enemy, the day we do that we’re fucked, we should look at stuff like that and think what can be done to prevent that, even if just a little in some places, and the fact that many people are defending communism shows to me an improvement from a few years ago which this type of debate wouldnt even happen cause was more or less a consensus on the internet that communism sucks. So yeah careful, I’m aware it’s a jest but even jests must be thought about.

  • I have nothing but good words to say for the effort and enthusiasm comrade. But there are some issues in that way of thinking, it is extraordinarily difficult to outcompete the captalist companies, just look at popular Korea or Cuba, they could have something in the line of that zaibatsu that you describe, but the capitalist forces did not stood still, they did a blockade. Since they can do that to a whole nation imagine what they can do with a company. Furthermore it pressuposes something we do not have, the numbers to do such thing and to my eyes that’s where our focus should be, to keep a strong revolutionary Leninist line and to manage it to spread it, and that is done by mingling with the poorest parts of society learning with them being among the people, and figuring out how to apply the Marxist teachings to their reality and show them that we are for them. But few people are willing to do that, Marxism especially in the west is much more of an academic endeavour than a popular workforce one, and the further away we get from the masses more we leave the field open for facist ideas to take root. I think the best example of strategy we have in recent memory is the black panthers under Fred Hampton and the rainbow coalition, we cannot mimic that step by step but I think that the future revolutions in the west must learn from their actions of how to resonate within the masses.

  • The guy’s argument does not ring hollow, I think he puts way too much importance on it but has some point to it, I think it’s possible to say that said guy sucks but sucks slightly less so vote that way but don’t expect much and keep up the fight. Either way both him being so mad about it and we mocking him is just quibbling over details, the joining of forces and cooperating with the proletariat must happen independent of election results, so yeah we should debate that but acting in our own interest should always take precedence to pettiness